Jim Michael
March 23rd, 2007, 09:19 PM
A dog and his football, and another experiment creating a score with Garage Band. Enjoy.
View Full Version : UWOL #2 - Land of Oz Jim Michael March 23rd, 2007, 09:19 PM A dog and his football, and another experiment creating a score with Garage Band. Enjoy. Ruth Happel March 23rd, 2007, 09:29 PM I think dogs make great movie stars :) I liked the way you shot from the dog's perspective- lookingly longingly out before playing in the yard. I also liked the score, worked well with the footage. Ruth Marco Wagner March 23rd, 2007, 09:58 PM Well, you've done more than most people with their camera and dog, the colors were great and the footage was clean. The score was spunky. :-) Randall Allen March 24th, 2007, 02:47 PM Ahh one of my favorite subjects! Thanks for the treat of seeing such a great dog. On my screen there seemed to be too much range of contrast the whites were real white and the shadows were black. Anyone else have this problem. I will watch it from home as well to see if there is a difference. Randy Meryem Ersoz March 24th, 2007, 04:32 PM when in doubt, shoot your dog! that's what i did for my first DV Challenge. you join a time-honored tradition and an outstanding lineage! the pooches are always willing to lend a paw! Jim Michael March 24th, 2007, 08:16 PM The contrast was a challenge, as was trying to get a match in color balance among shots that were taken under various lighting conditions over several days. Thanks for the nice comment about Oz. He's a great dog and a lot of fun to have around. Ahh one of my favorite subjects! Thanks for the treat of seeing such a great dog. On my screen there seemed to be too much range of contrast the whites were real white and the shadows were black. Anyone else have this problem. I will watch it from home as well to see if there is a difference. Randy Gabriel Yeager March 25th, 2007, 12:18 PM Another dog film! :) When I was watching it the hole time I was thinking, "I bet he used Garage band...." Then I come here and see you did! :) Nice work. I liked how you got all the different shots, something I always have a problem with... ~Gabriel Kevin Railsback March 25th, 2007, 04:34 PM Jim, I guess Meryem never said it had to be people recreation. :) Looks like Ozzie had allot of fun making this film. Let's hope stardom doesn't give a swelled ego. :) Nice color and good job shooting in such mottled light. I know it can be tough sometimes. Mat Thompson March 25th, 2007, 06:07 PM Great pooch....looks like a lot of fun. Great recreation for dog and owner alike I think :) Nice clean shooting with some good camera pans. Nice simple piece.Good stuff! Per Johan Naesje March 26th, 2007, 07:44 AM Jim, wonderful shots of a beautiful dog. Looks like it has a real good dog life there! The film was a bit too short, I think you could have made more clips to extend it. Excellent colors and exponation, it's hard to archieve in the environment with lots of shadow from the trees. A minor thing - A couple of the clips was taken in overcast 00:28 - 00:36, while the other was in sun with hard shadows. Noticeable when you edited this to be in the same scene. Geir Inge March 26th, 2007, 08:37 AM In our house there are 3 ladys (my wife and our 2 daughters), me and our male cat. I always wanted a dog thats mine, because I even get less attention then the cat (joke), petty me. I think your video was great and wish you good luck in uwol. Trond Saetre March 26th, 2007, 10:33 AM You had a good video, and the dog really seemed to have fun. Great recreation! Catherine Russell March 26th, 2007, 04:03 PM Hi Jim: Fun clip. Great music. To have Ozzie longingly looking out the window in the beginning, and then in the end as well made me think that the entire play series was sort of a dream/reverie Ozzie was having of another time. Nicely done. Cat Russell Spike Productions Jim Michael March 26th, 2007, 06:39 PM Catherine - I avoid posting a description of what my films are about since I'm hoping someone will see the intended meaning without being lead to it. You nailed it. Thanks for the critiques everyone. I appreciate it. Catherine Russell March 29th, 2007, 09:28 AM Hi Jim: Well then! Congrats to you. It's a real plus when your intended meaning gets across to someone exposed to your work for the very first time. Cheers! Cat Russell Spike Productions |