View Full Version : UWOL #2: "Recreational Thanks" by Gabriel Yeager

Gabriel Yeager
March 23rd, 2007, 08:06 PM
First off, I just wanted to say thankyou all for being so encouraging and a big influence.

A note: The audio in this film is really bad at times. So keep your hand near the audio adjuster. Sorry about that...

Direct to video link:

My gear was an Elura 100, SunPak 7500 tripod, and my sister - Sami, as a camera OP in the first three clips.

Music done by Overlooked Identity (

my idea was to show the ipod in the begging and you could see the track name, but it did not work out the way I planned it. So please bare with me on that one.

There is a few mess-ups in the film that you might notice. I will not point them out, I will wait to see if you can. :-)

Any comments are welcome, so please leave them!
I will get around to seeing and commeting on all of your films, but right now I am sick, so it might be awhile before I get to them, sorry about that...

Thanks for watching!

James Hooey
March 23rd, 2007, 08:20 PM

Nice video! With a great deal of handheld camerawork in it it feel almost more real than several of the others. It was a interesting view of what you like to do for recreation and it reminds me of 20 years ago when I used to go out and take billions of photos.

I didn't notice any fubars so to speak so you fooled me. oops, well the spelling I noticed but no matter.

Congratulations on a nice video through all your tribulations.

James Hooey

Bruce Foreman
March 24th, 2007, 12:07 AM
First off, I just wanted to say thankyou all for being so encouraging and a big influence.

A note: The audio in this film is really bad at times. So keep your hand near the audio adjuster. Sorry about that...

Actually the audio is pretty good for built in mic. I had no problem with it and at my age hearing gets a bit dicey.

My gear was an Elura 100, SunPak 7500 tripod, and my sister - Sami, as a camera OP in the first three clips.

That Canon Elura 100 is one sharp performer for you. Even if you get something better I would keep it as long as it works. Your video was sharper and clearer with better color than one would expect from something in it's class.

OK...Your video shows you have come a long way from the first one you submitted. You appear to have more confidence and you put more of a side of yourself into this one that I hope the others can see as well as I do. You and I were both about to give up on making a submission this time (I just kept quiet about the lack of being able to pull something together), but I am very glad to see you plunged in and did what you did.

I think you've "outclassed" me on this one I hope you feel good about what you've accomplished.

Yeah, I spotted the "boo-boos" but I'm not going to point them out here, one gave me a chuckle, and the other two are so minor...

I will give you a tip or two because I think you will pick them up and run the next race with them. Editing: Leave no "dead", static time unless it serves a purpose. Continue similar action from one clip to the next so the pace and the motion flows.

And save "thanks" for the message posting. The only thanks you need to put in your credits should be those to specific individuals, organizations, or businesses that need to be credited as contributing something to your project.

I understand where you're coming from but you've made a place for yourself here on your own merits, by your attitude, persistence and your dream.

Congratulations on a video project very well done and on the very real progress you have made.

Bruce Foreman

Chris Barcellos
March 24th, 2007, 12:24 AM

And you weren't going to submit something ? Nice job, man !! Keep rolling them out cause every film is leaps and bounds ahead of the last one..

Per Johan Naesje
March 24th, 2007, 05:55 AM
I must say you have developed very well from uwol-1. This was very interesting to watch.
A few minor things to note: in the opening scene you forgot to remove your tripod. In the bicycle scenes you could have shortend the scenes, there was too much delay before the bicycle appeared. Also the text when you where sitting, starting at 2:20 was way to fast for me to read.

The picture quality of the film was good. The story was interesting. You used tripod on the right places, though you could have done some panning in some of the bicycle scenes.

Keep up your good work Gabriel!

Rick A. Phillips
March 24th, 2007, 06:20 AM

You have to feel good about yourself for sticking with it and completing this challenge. I honestly thought it was creative and well done and I did enjoy watching this. Looking forward to more from you...including your entry in DVC#8. Good job.


Ken Diewert
March 24th, 2007, 09:28 AM

I am impressed! Steady shooting, nice work in post, and the music melds nicely through the production.

Congratulations, on not only finishing, but on finishing a very solid piece of work. This business is all about progression, and learning more about ourselves and our tools as we go along.

Ruth Happel
March 24th, 2007, 05:29 PM
This video was way better than the first you submitted. It looks like you are really growing in your video and editing skills. I enjoyed the feeling of sharing a day in the park with you. As others have said, maybe tighten the edits or shooting a bit with some of the scenes, like with the bicycle. But overall I really enjoyed it.


Gabriel Yeager
March 24th, 2007, 09:07 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I will take it all in and put it to use in my next films'. :)

Yes, I am aware of the "dead air" in the bike scenes. I just was running out of time and to tell you the truth, I never watched the whole thing through until I uploaded it. So sorry about that, I will be sure to not make that mistake in future films.

Sorry about the text, I did not realize that there was a miss spell. The only thing that I found was when it said "Challenge" It looked like "cnellenge", but that was due to the bad background and compression. Outside of that, I am bad at spelling anyways so sorry for the inconvenience, lol.

edit: And Per, I know that the text was to fast. I wanted it to stay longer but Imovie did not let me make it longer. Numb free program, lol. Sorry about that. You could always pause it??

Thanks again to you all, and I promise you I will get around to commenting/veiwing all of your films. Right now, I am not feeling to good, so sorry for the delay.

Thank-you Bruce, I very much love my camera. It may not have all of the freedom of a Gl2 (or any other camera with full manual) but at a three inches, I love my camera. In my backpack in those scenes, I had my "camera bag" (a playstation bag from 2001') in there the hole time. :-)

Have a nice day everyone!

Mat Thompson
March 25th, 2007, 06:12 AM
I liked you personal pov on this one. You took the veiwer with you on your journey of discovery and you made some nice points at the end of it. Your imaging was generally good with some interesting ideas.

You seem to dwell too long in certain shots and not make enough of others. If a shot has said what it needs to say then get on with telling the story, dont dwell if there isn't a reason....hope this helps. The text at the end was difficult to read at this resolution but I did like the your idea of using it.

Nice work :)

Gabriel Yeager
March 25th, 2007, 10:19 AM
Thanks Mat. I realize that now... I will do a remake of it. Hey, it could be called "Recreating Recreational Thanks", its a two for one! lol.

I will be sure to edit those scenes better, and maybe add some new ones that I did not have time to do... We shall see!

PS: I will start to watch everyones films before the end of the hour...

Kevin Railsback
March 25th, 2007, 05:06 PM

What the heck were you worried about? You made a fine film!

I liked how in the end we got to see the photos that you were taking earlier in the film.

Go back and watch your first film and see how you've grown as a filmmaker.

It's already been touched on the dead air scenes.

If you improve as much in UWOL3 as you did from UWOL1 to UWOL2, you're gonna be a dangerous filmmaker. :)

And you sir, are an inspiration to the rest of us with your drive, commitment and passion. Keep it up!

Bob Safay
March 25th, 2007, 05:44 PM
Gab, great job, you learned to look and began to see. A very fine job. Bob

Gordon Hoffman
March 25th, 2007, 06:57 PM
Like everyone else has said the first thing I noticed about this video was the progress you have made. At your age you still have alot of time to perfect you style. Well done.

Gabriel Yeager
March 25th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Thanks guys! I am very much looking forward to the next challenge!

Kevin, I think you just made it into my Sticky Notes!
- "If you improve as much in UWOL3 as you did from UWOL1 to UWOL2, you're gonna be a dangerous filmmaker. :)"

Thank-you Kevin, for the suggestion to look at "My First Time Recording". I did, and it was a shock from time to time.... O_o

I am also looking forward to the DVC 8 also... Prepare to see some more of me in-front of the camera! lol.


Brian McKay
March 25th, 2007, 09:12 PM

Man oh man what a move forward from challenge number one. I went and looked at the comments you received on your first entry listened well and this film showes that very clearly.

A little tighter on the edits next time.... and your on your way to the winners circle.


Gabriel Yeager
March 26th, 2007, 12:21 AM
Thanks Brian. I was really trying to get everything I learned from the last challenge and add it to this one. However, most of the more "creative" shots, did not make the cut. So, maybe next time I will get better at it.

And did I already say that I only used 13 minutes of tape? haha, that may have been part of the problem, but all-well.

Next time I will use more of the tape, better angled shots, tighter editing, better compression, and maybe a little bit more of the spices! ;)

Thanks for the advice everyone! I really enjoy this challenge, and I hope all of you do as-well.

Geir Inge
March 26th, 2007, 08:49 AM
I think this was a great video Gabriel.
Where you jump to the trees and balance over, was nice done.
I also liked the guitar playing music and your VO.
This video just have to reach up high in Uwol#2.

Trond Saetre
March 26th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Gabriel, well done!!!

The only thing I would like to see changed is the text at the end.
As Per Johan said, some of the text went away too fast.
(maybe because English isn't my first language)

As many have mentioned already, I am looking forward to see what you come up with in the next challenges.

Gabriel Yeager
March 26th, 2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks Geir, and Trond!

The text really does need to be changed. But in order for that to happen, I need a better editing program due to the one I was using max out then. So yes, that is a problem, and I look forward to not having it again. :)

Thank you Geir, I had alot more of that footage, but I could not stand seeing myself in front of camera anymore! I would normally do that dally, but I have not in a week since I shot that...

Thanks again for your commits and suggestions, I too, look forward to the next challenge. And moving up as a videographer.

Trond Saetre
March 26th, 2007, 11:52 AM
The text really does need to be changed. But in order for that to happen, I need a better editing program due to the one I was using max out then. So yes, that is a problem, and I look forward to not having it again. :)

Is it possible with your NLE to use the same text more than once? If so, you could just add the text once more, and shorten the 2nd part to make the text last a little longer.
Anyway, this was just a detail. Your video is at least part of the top half of the uwol2.

Gabriel Yeager
March 26th, 2007, 12:05 PM
Is it possible with your NLE to use the same text more than once? If so, you could just add the text once more, and shorten the 2nd part to make the text last a little longer.
Anyway, this was just a detail. Your video is at least part of the top half of the uwol2.

That is a really good idea Trond! Thank you for that idea! I will be sure to do that in the re-edit of this film.

Thanks, that is a really nice complement to hear. :D


Catherine Russell
March 26th, 2007, 12:17 PM
Hi Gabriel:

Congratulations on a great piece of work. You are good with the camera, and made the film interesting the entire way through. I share your appreciation for our very precious parks and your conclusions in the end.

Nice job!

Cat Russell
Spike Productions

P.S. Still problems seeing Extreme What? I appreciate your kind enthusiasm to want to view it despite problems and get back to me on that. All the best!

Gabriel Yeager
March 26th, 2007, 12:30 PM
Thanks Cat!


Yup. I just finished watching it and I am replying to your feedback thread now...


Grant Sherman
March 30th, 2007, 03:11 AM
Hi Gabriel,

Good to see that you managed to complete your film. I enjoyed the film but the spelling spoiled it a bit.

Gabriel Yeager
March 30th, 2007, 06:56 PM
Thanks Grant, I am glad I could get it in too!

I am not taking offense, I would just like to know what it was about the spelling that you did not like? So I can make it better, I would really like it if someone would tell me... I never found a grammar issue in the actual editing. So is it just a problem with seeing the text? Or did I just flunk spelling!? lol.

I wanted to do this really cool scene where I could say the the first part of the text, but then I ran out of time and the only option I had left was text, so I took it. Mistake maybe?

let me know.

Steven Gotz
March 30th, 2007, 07:09 PM
I would only point this out because Gabriel asked....

The word is "Entry" and you spelled it "Entery" at 2:53 into the video.

Grant Sherman
March 31st, 2007, 08:31 AM
Sorry, my mistake. Just the one spelling mistake. I checked again, it was my eyesight not your spelling, oops.

Gabriel Yeager
March 31st, 2007, 11:35 AM
Ok, thanks guys! haha, now I see. Bad typo on my behalf, sorry about that!

I'll be sure to fix that! I very much appreciate your help on pointing this out.

Thanks again for all the comments/suggestions!

Mark Williams
March 31st, 2007, 12:23 PM

Nice work. Lightyears ahead of some of you earlier work. You obviously thought this project thru and planned your shots and storyline. IMO you are on the right track.


Gabriel Yeager
March 31st, 2007, 12:57 PM
Thanks Mark!

I always Love the encouragement!