View Full Version : 16x9 exporting

Joe Kramer
March 23rd, 2007, 03:18 PM
I shot my footage at 16x9 and captured it correctly - when I edit it's 16x9, but anytime I try to export, either the footage or a still, it's coming out 4x3. I've tried adjusting the export settings to no avail (I'm sure I'm missing something), so could someone please fill me in on what I've got to do to export my footage at 16x9? Any help would be appreciated.


David W. Jones
March 23rd, 2007, 04:12 PM
You might start by telling people what application you are using,
and any related info.

Joe Kramer
March 23rd, 2007, 05:11 PM
Sorry - I'm using FCP 4. I shot the footage at 24p advanced pulldown, 16x9. My sequence and capture presets are: Frame size 720x480, Editing Timebase 23.98 fps, Field Dominance: None, Pixel Aspect Ratio: NTSC - CCIR 601/ DV, and Anamorphic 16x9 is checked on. It plays fine - right aspect ratio and frame rate - in the application, but again, when I try exporting it as a Quicktime movie it's coming out 4x3.

Joe Kramer
March 26th, 2007, 09:49 AM
Just bumping this up. Can anyone help me?


Tim Dashwood
March 26th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Try downloading this little applet.

Then just drag your exported file(s) onto it. It will open them in quicktime player and change the anamorphic flag to correctly display in QT player and to be properly recognized by iDVD.