View Full Version : audience waivers

Robert Bobson
April 25th, 2003, 08:06 AM
I'll be shooting bands on a theater stage in front of a paying audience for a documentary.

How do we get permission to use video of the audience, without asking each person to sign a release? Can something be printed on each ticket that states "audience members agree to waiver release" ? What if someone is given a free ticket?

What about people waiting in line outside the theater on the public street?

I've read that you don't need permission to shoot an audience at a "public performance" - what's a "public performance"? In a private theater as opposed to a public facility? Paying audience as opposed to a "free concert"?

What about the performers at the festival? Does everyone in the band have to sign as agreement, or just "the manager"? How do we know if "the manager" has the legal authority to act on the band's behalf?

It's all very confusing. :0

Thanks so much!


Chris Hurd
April 25th, 2003, 09:33 AM
A sign at the entrance to the venue: "Tonight's performance will be videotaped. Some audience members may appear in the video. Your presence here indicates consent of, but does not guarantee, the use your image in the video." Or something like that... I've seen similar signage at events I've attended that were taped, and it's never been a problem that I'm aware of. Your mileage may vary, this ain't legal advice, etc. Hope this helps,

Mike Perry
April 25th, 2003, 10:25 AM
Just to back up what Chris said, I was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras several years back. About the time Red Shoes Diary was on Showtime and they where filming a part of the show during one of the parade routes. They just had a big sign taped to the front of a motor home that traveled a little bit ahead of the car they were shooting stating basically what Chris had said. I think as long as you make it highly visible and you get the wording correct you should be safe.

Richard Alvarez
April 25th, 2003, 03:35 PM
Just got in from shooting a "special olympic" type event. The first thing we did, was tape up a big sign at the entrance, much like Chris said.

In fact, you can get the exact words from

Eve Light Honthaner

On page 269 - "Wording for multiple signs." There is a release for interior audiences of a show, and one to be placed in an "Area' during taping or filming.


Scott Shama
September 11th, 2007, 01:58 AM
Hi, I know this is an old thread...

Would someone who owns the book mentioned in this thread please PM me or email me?

Eve Light Honthaner
