View Full Version : 24pa footage rec w/ Dr-hd100 taken offline by FCP when pulldown removed??

Ben Chace
March 22nd, 2007, 03:34 PM
here's my situation. I shot a bunch of interviews using my hd100 and dr-hd100, recording 24pa dv footage. The record function on my dr-hd100 was set to dv recorder and quicktime (this is before I figured out that I could use the new quicktime 24p format). Then I brought all my clips into FCP, and spent a bunch of time separating them into subclips.. w/o removing the advance pulldown... then as I start bringing them into the 24p timeline, I see the little red line come up, and remember that I need to remove the pulldown frames. So I select the clips then choose "remove advance pulldown" from the tools menu... fcp spends some time "verifying the cadence" and when it is done some of the clips are now offline... don't ask me why!

When I "Analyze Clip" for both the files that went offline, and those that didn't it says the same thing NTSC at most quality 23.98 fps etc for most of the offline clips as it does the online clips. Then for a few clips that had gone offline it says "this is not a movie that can be analyzed".

What is stranger is that when I go to "reconnect media" and find the original clip on my hard drive, the name matches and everything but FCP won't let me connect the clip. When I analyze the file on my hard drive by selecting tools>analyze movie>file and selecting the quicktime file on my hard drive it wont even give me an analysis window.

this has to be an issue with final cut, no? I am running 5.1.4

I mean I will never have this problem again now that we can record in quicktime 24p on the drhd100... but this is quite confusing...

anyone's thoughts would be appreciated
