View Full Version : I would like to see images with A1

Pablo Lozano
March 22nd, 2007, 06:55 AM
Hi everybody,
I have been looking that in the panasonic HVX forum many people are leaving pages references where you can see the video-clips, short films o whatever they do with their camera.
I would like also to watch things made with the Canon A1, as I am thinking to buy something and the best way to take a decision is to see what it is possible to do the camera.
Best regards and thank you

Per Johan Naesje
March 22nd, 2007, 07:00 AM
Well, take a look at XHA1 sample clips:

Chris Hurd
March 22nd, 2007, 08:57 AM
Just curious, is it difficult to see our XH Sample Clips forum? Re: attached screen grab.

I know we really need a customized forum skin instead of these default colors, but perhaps there's something else I can do to make that presence of that sub-forum stand out more.

Peter Jefferson
March 22nd, 2007, 09:04 AM
Chris, even with skins, it wont make these elements stand out much more.. vbulletin and the layout templates have the tendency to make thing invisible. We've got the same problem on Austech... stickies and categorised threads are virtually invisible.. i guess thats the way our eyes percieve the placement of these threads as theyre not smack bang in the middle..