View Full Version : hc 3 in sd compare to?

Ralph Bowman
March 19th, 2007, 05:14 PM
If were shooting in standard def in the HC3 or the Hvr-A1 what picture would it compare to....PD 170...or lower like a consumer mini dv like the elura? Does this make it smart to buy one of these cameras for SD use or a waste of time and money spent.

Thanks for your input...
Ralph Bowman

Dave Blackhurst
March 19th, 2007, 07:22 PM
Hi -
FWIW I think that the SD output from an HDV cam looks "better" overall for whatever reason. It's subjective, but I think the color reproduction and sharpness even from the single chip CMOS cams is pretty impressive - not sure why, but I'm working on the assumption that you start with more information and more recent technology, thus the end result is better.

As far as a "smart buy"... well, a lot depends on the price and what your application is. Once you see the HD results, plan on upgrading whatever else you need to display your results <wink>.

I got an HC1 to "see" what the differences were firsthand, and once I looked at the potential difference, I lost all interest in "SD" cameras...

Pick up a used HC3 if nothing else to try it on for size - they are readily available at the moment as everyone anticipates or buys the HC5 or 7 (I've sold one myself anticipating a 7... if it's a big upgrade, I'll off another I have for the knockabout camera, and replace it too), and it is not all that bad a camera for the price - really nice "family cam" just for the small form factor, and it'll do for a second angle cam if you get hooked and get something bigger/more pro!
