View Full Version : PP 1.5 wont run on Vista??

Ray Bell
March 18th, 2007, 06:10 AM
Just upgraded one of my computers to Vista and now my Premiere Pro 1.5
wont load....

anybody else with this issue that has fixed it??

Steven Gotz
March 18th, 2007, 01:04 PM
No great surprise, even Premiere Pro 2.0 has a few issues. If you want to be on the bleeding edge of technology, at least upgrade to the latest software. The main problem with the bleeding edge is sometimes it cuts you and you bleed.

Go back to XP if you want to edit video. At least until the new versions are released this summer.

Marco Wagner
March 27th, 2007, 05:01 PM
I second that after almost a year of testing with betas and then to find the final code nearly as bad as the first beta. The lack of the "Documents and Settings" folder killed all hope of Vista being implemented here at work with all our "home grown" software being incompatible. YAY!!!! I never thought I'd say that.

Ainslie Davies
April 3rd, 2007, 05:31 AM
I have been running Premiere Pro 1.51 on Vista since RC1 last year. I've never even had a crash with it. You may want to try setting it to run in Win XP mode. I don't have to with mine but there's obviously some driver in your system that doesn't like Premiere. Download all the latest updates.