View Full Version : Matrox AVI and Canon console?

Simon Hay
March 18th, 2007, 04:02 AM
Is it possible to capture Matrox AVI using the Canon console software? The capture machine isn't the edit machine, and I can't even find the codec to download and install on the cap machine, so can't test it for myself. IF it is possible, then it makes more sense for what I shoot than using a Firestore, if not, I'll just have to make do with the Firestore instead, as needing to transcode would not be ideal! :) Any thoughts or experience?

Peter Jefferson
March 19th, 2007, 01:00 AM
umm.. no...
canon console is designed to control cam functions remotely, including codec...

you CAN import Matrox DV/MJPEG codec drivers into any machine but youll still need premiere to capture staright from tape

Simon Hay
March 19th, 2007, 03:35 AM
Console lets you capture to hard drive as you shoot, as well as the control functions, no need to cap from tape.