View Full Version : At what F stop is the HV10 sharpest with...

Alan Dunkel
March 17th, 2007, 12:46 PM
..if set in macro mode and focused on infinity? Anybody with an HV10 know from experience what range of F stop works best as I'd like a general starting point for setting up a 35mm lens adapter? Does the image degrade much when wide or tele?
Thanks, Alan

Brad Vaughan
March 17th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Sorry, don't have an answer for you, but how do you set the HV10 into "macro mode"?

Alan Dunkel
March 17th, 2007, 07:02 PM
Brad, Don't know I'm trying to get info lined up to setup an HV20 with a 35mm adapter and the HV10 is pretty much the same. So I was asuming the HV20/10 had a macro focus function, will check the manual, but it may not. I know the lens is probably sharpest at a particular exposure, but I may just have to mess around until I get a good image. It is at least two weeks out anyway.
Regards, Alan