View Full Version : I don't mean to spam but...

Andreas Fernbrant
April 23rd, 2003, 07:11 AM
I orderd my Canon XL1S today, I'm so happy!!:)

As I have said many times over, I'm spending my summer doing a Extreme sports flick. It's going to contain Acrobatics, gymnastics, breakdance and martialarts. All blended together in true hiphop style. Do you have any tips or hints for me?

Are there any rules or laws I need to be aware of?

And last, I want to thank everybody on the forum for it being the best forum on the net. Everybody are nice and everybody gets along. (this is rare on the internet) Thank you chris for an awsome place to find information!

Ken Tanaka
April 23rd, 2003, 03:55 PM
Congratulations to you, Andreas. You've certainly done your homework. Now it's time for the fun!

Let us know how you like your new XL1s.

Dylan Couper
April 23rd, 2003, 11:54 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Andreas Fernbrant : I orderd my Canon XL1S today, I'm so happy!!:)

As I have said many times over, I'm spending my summer doing a Extreme sports flick. It's going to contain Acrobatics, gymnastics, breakdance and martialarts. All blended together in true hiphop style. Do you have any tips or hints for me?

old school!

Keep it real.
Nuff said.

Don Palomaki
April 24th, 2003, 03:58 AM
Posible laws to add to your "fun":
Copyright for music and perhaps routines used.
Talent releases for performents.
Filiming/shooting permits for locations.

Nathan Gifford
April 25th, 2003, 08:18 AM
Everything Don said...

Some of the releases you can find at places like Office Depot, Office Max, Barnes & Noble...

I also moved this thread to Taking Care of Business since you may get more answers to your legal issues here. And, BTW, your post does not even come close to being spam...

John Locke
April 25th, 2003, 09:00 AM
That's right! How can a positive message like yours be considered spam? The messages I get trying to sell me forklift THAT's spam.

Mike Butler
April 29th, 2003, 04:37 PM
Forklift batteries!! LOL! You're lucky if that's all you get. Let's see, I get every mortgage dude trying to get me to refinance, while the credit repair guys say they can get me out of financial trouble! (Yeah, right!) Plus, I can increase my p3nis size and my br3asts' size, both on-line! (Neat trick, huh?) To say nothing of ordering viagra and every other wonder-drug without a prescription.
Oh yeah, and don't forget the mega-porn sites pretending to be all of the above in their subject line!
That's over and above the more "legitimate" merchandise ads.
Actually I don't mind getting the ads from Apple.

Dylan Couper
April 29th, 2003, 05:19 PM
I've been getting spam adds about my septic system! I can't figure that one out.