View Full Version : Music video shot with XH A1

Jourdan McClure
March 14th, 2007, 11:30 PM
Hi all,

This is a music video I directed/shot/edited recently with the canon XH A1. If there is one thing I learned it was HDV likes lots of light that is for sure. But check it's my first dive into HDV. And yes the dolly tracks are visible on one scene but have since been removed for the final product.

WARNING: There is cursing in the video, I do not want to offend anyone.

Jim Miller
March 15th, 2007, 09:18 AM
What settings did you use? Seems a little overexposed or washed out to me - not the rich colors I've seen elsewhere but maybe that was the look you were going for. I liked the opening but the music is not my cup of tea.

Jourdan McClure
March 15th, 2007, 12:04 PM
That was the look I was going for but I have had nothing but issues getting a good web version out of compressor. I seems to wash out the image more.

Video was shot in:

1080i 24f using preset 8

other than that a little manual focus here and there and some zooming. Pretty basic. Added a light bleach bypass in post. I know I needed better lighting but this was my first project with this cam.

Any compression tips and tricks welcome

Jim Miller
March 15th, 2007, 02:21 PM
I find that Sorensen Squeeze does a better job of compression than compressor. Also the new Flash compression program from sorensen enhances the color some if your going for the web. Just my opinion. I've had excellent results.

Jourdan McClure
March 15th, 2007, 03:28 PM
Thanks for the tip. Lots to learn.

Adam Letch
March 15th, 2007, 10:19 PM
yup with the exposure, but even though thats the look maybe make sure to use a polariser outdoors so the sky is still visible. And also maybe steer away from auto focus as their was a little focus hunting happening unless thats also a look you were going for.

But otherwise good work

Jourdan McClure
March 16th, 2007, 10:55 AM

Thanks for the comments. A polariser would have been good but I didnt have access to one. I'm still getting my cinematography fundamentals down. But thanks a bunch for taking a look at it.

Peter Jefferson
March 18th, 2007, 05:31 AM
umm.. i dont understand the relevance of teh sexy nurse...
In fact, if i was to have written the previz for this, and tehre jstu "had" to be a sexy nurse in there, i'd have at least had the nurse be some sort of turture BDSM junky and using the harshness of the music to drive her motivations along.. I really dont see the relevance of her prescence at this time.... maybe im missing something..

why do i bring this up and not the footage itself (yet).. well, the kind of impact the washed out look can give can be offset by the dark harsh lighting of the nurses scenes.. and intercutting the 2, despite no relevance at THIS time in THIS clip.. can in fact be tied together..
The band are all washed out, but in this "fantasy" setting thats ok.. this kid is "bracing for impact" and including the kinky nurse whos about to run a 12cm 5mm drill bit with a hammer drill through his kneecap... added with the whitewash of the band can be used to show where this kid's head is at..

see where im going with this..

The music is harsh, use some F*^ked up visuals to go with it.. it would def get more attention then some headbangers banging away..

right now, the washed out look looks like a mistake... with clever DP work and some more time, you can make that washed out look work for you..

See if u can get teh nurse and kid in for another day of shooting.. trust me it wll be worth your time and energy

Jourdan McClure
March 18th, 2007, 02:15 PM

I appreciate the comments. In regards to the washed out does not look like that at all when viewed from the looks great, I'm doing something in compressor that is causing this im sure. As far as the story there were some creative decisions that happened ending in this result. Cutting back and forth between the band the nurse and boy was the original intent. I have learned alot shooting in this format and from a storytelling point of view if I had to do it over I probably wouldnt have done the video this way. This was a learning experience for sure. Again thanks for taking the time to view it...You make some great points.

Jourdan McClure
March 18th, 2007, 05:34 PM
sorry about that. My last reply was to peter.