Jack Major
March 14th, 2007, 04:07 PM
I mean yeah film is a nice look, but im starting to prefer alot of the movies that are shot in hd such as big releases like miami vice, collateral, haven't seen zodiac but it looks nice, and once upon a time in mexico. I just feel it adds more grittiness and makes it more on the edge of your seat esp. with lower shutter speeds to give more motion blur, where film is very fantasy like and almost as if im not there. I still love the look of film, but im really started to appreciate hd films over many shot on film. I just love that look. Realism.
am i crazy? someone tell me.
I have an hd camera - hvr-a1u and i really dont care about making my footage look like film, the quality is already amazing so am i crazy for not wanting that shallow dof? cuz i really could care less on my projects.
Chris Barcellos
March 14th, 2007, 04:19 PM
Thats the debate. In the latest Rocky, that DP or Director was obviously in love with shallow depth of field, using it for emphasis and effect in a lot scences.
A changing focus also does cause the eye to move from one point of interest to another automatically, and I think that is valid effect. And so is the use of selective focus to empasize one characters reaction or a particular part of the scene, with the rest of the frame out of focus. That is hard to do with small chip digital cameras, but gets a bit easier when the chips grow in size.
Without the ability keep the background out of focus, the backgrounds would be busier and more distracting in many situations, and so that is why we are looking for that perfect "35mm" look...
Jack Major
March 14th, 2007, 05:48 PM
i kinda figured, but ive yet to see a 35mm adapter that really looks like film. Are there any that do, cuz the letuses dont convince but ive yet to see the redrocks in action if you have or find a good clip id like to see the difference in quality if there is any, cuz i feel that many 35mm adapters make the image too shallow and it almost makes it look like an effect added rather than just naturally being there. anyways a clip of the redrock would be nice.
Christopher Witz
March 14th, 2007, 06:05 PM
here's a clip shot with a sony hc1, letus flip, canon 50 f1.2......
by the way...... I've read that zodiak was set with major attention to colors in the background...... if you get a chance to see it..... check out the scene in the grocery store.... unbelievable!
Chris Barcellos
March 14th, 2007, 06:14 PM
Check out my film "Homecoming" on this page at bottom.
I used this film to tryout my adapter, and certainly probably overused it. This was made with homemade adapter that I am still trying to tune up.