View Full Version : Interchangeable lenses /adapters

February 7th, 2002, 02:51 PM
Im looking into the XL1 /XL1s camera for 1 reason - interchangeable lenses. I need a decent to good camera that I can use with a good fish eye lense.
As I understand , the GL1 isnt made for interchangeable lenses (true?). If this is the case are there any adapters I can get to mount a Fish Eye (not a wide angle!)


Ken Tanaka
February 7th, 2002, 04:08 PM
There is no extreme wide-angle lens for the XL1/s per se. However, a couple of manufacturers sell "fish-eye" adapters for the XL1/s lenses as well as for the GL1. Therefore, on this basis, the two cams are equivalent.

Century Optics comes to mind:

February 7th, 2002, 05:28 PM
Ive seen the fish eye for the XL1/XL1s. Are your sure it / they will work on a GL1?

February 7th, 2002, 05:28 PM
Also , can someone list some brands?

Ken Tanaka
February 7th, 2002, 06:05 PM
Century's web site will be able to answer your q's. Go there.

Adrian Douglas
February 8th, 2002, 07:26 AM
Ay Flip,

Here's a link to Century Optics.

I've used this with a 16x lens to shoot some skateboarding and halfpipe snowboarding and it works pretty well, none of that terrible black circle look you see in some skate flicks

February 8th, 2002, 01:02 PM
Thanks Afterburner and Tanaka.

Afterburner , funny thing. Thats the exact reason I need the camera and fisheye. Im own and operate a skateboard shop and will use the camera to film my team and events.
Did you use the that fisheye with the GL1 or the XL1?
Im still unsure as to which camera I should buy.
I've looked for a used XL1 but since the going rate for a used one is almost as much as a new one , thats out.
After reading through this forum I've come to realize I should NOT use the camera to dump my footage for editing (?) so can anyone recommend a good DV/Mini DV player thats CHEAP - like $1200 US range? Will be running a dual G4 with Final Cut if that matters.

Ken Tanaka
February 8th, 2002, 03:57 PM
I use a Panasonic AG-DV1000 deck for miniDV editing. After 18 months it's still a very reliable deck. It's within your budget, too.

Adrian Douglas
February 8th, 2002, 08:44 PM
Ay FlipC

I've done a bit of the same thing. I've been using my XL1 to shoot snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding since early 99. I tried a friends fisheye converter on my camera and it worked really well. As soon as I get some more cash togeather I'm putting one in my kit.

As for which camera to buy, I'd go for the GL1 for what you want to do. The main reason is it's physically smaller and easier to handle. I want to get one as riding(snowboards/skateboards) with the XL1 is pretty hairy. The GL1 also has the flip out screen which helps keep good composition while riding.

The GL1 wasn't around when I bought my XL1, if it was I would have gone for it. Not that I'm dissapointed with the XL1, the GL1 is just better suited to that situation.

Chris Hurd
February 8th, 2002, 11:49 PM
I must agree with Adrian. I don't see how you could manage an XL1 on a skateboard, but the GL1 seems perfectly suited for it. Geez, be careful and don't spill that thing. Camcorders are not exactly built for wiping out on concrete. I've seen 14-year-olds bounce back like rubber, but anything DV would shatter in a million pieces!

Adrian Douglas
February 9th, 2002, 12:38 AM
There'd be 2 million pieces Chris, 1 million would be the camera and the other million would be me!!!! I'm not 14 anymore and I sure as hell 'aint made of rubber!!!

February 21st, 2002, 01:42 PM
Everyone ,
Ive looked at Century Optics. Htey have a Fish Eye for the GL1
but it cost $895 when the XL1s FishEye cost $495 and seems to be twice the size. Is this a "conspiracy" against low end consumers?
Does anyone know of other GL1 compatible lense?


Ed Smith
February 21st, 2002, 01:48 PM
What about Raynox lenses? they come pretty cheap - Below £100


These are more consumer based and have pretty good optics.

Hope this helps,

Ed Smith