View Full Version : Settings: sharp foreground, blurry background

Alexander Schmitz
March 12th, 2007, 05:38 PM
I am kind of unexperienced with the settings of the camera, even though, I experimented already somewhat and got some nice footages. But I could not figure out yet, how to get a shot like this (photo and/or video):
- a sharp object in the focus and a blurry unfocussed background
(kind of the typical, focussed flower and blurry green grass in the background picture)

Does anybody has some setup suggestions for me, how to get shots like this?

Herman Van Deventer
March 12th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Alexander /

Follow the posts / dept. Special interest / Film look methods and tech.

Michael Vaden .... Need help with selective focus.

The discussion there will bring you closer to the answer.

