View Full Version : HD1 - Date Stamp on Photos?

Leonard Ng
March 11th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but while I know how to set date/time on the HD1, I don't know how to make the photos taken have a date stamp on say the bottom right of the photos, as you can with other digital cameras.

Date stamping is important to me because my wife and I just had a baby and we'd like to remember which date we took photos, since babies develop so quickly!!

Can anyone help me here?

Thank you thank you thank you!!!


Jimmy McKenzie
March 11th, 2007, 01:00 PM
If you are using Windows XP, there is a pile of metadata that accompanies the photo.... no need to smear your photography with non-photo related data...

Christopher Quigley
March 11th, 2007, 01:16 PM
I do not actually own the HD1, so I cannot comment on whether it has the ability to apply a date stamp to photos.

However, I know that it does record EXIF information with each photo, including the date and time, as do most digital cameras, so any decent photo viewing application will show you the date and time when a photo was taken.

If you want to print your photos with the date and time on them, then I'm sure some software will also allow you to do this. For example, in IrfanView you can add a headnote or footnote to a printed image with the EXIF information of your choice in it.

Leonard Ng
March 12th, 2007, 11:28 AM
Oops - I just found out myself how to do it - there is a "print options" on the options page, where you can do this.

But NOT doing it also makes sense since as you mention Windows give you the data anyway.

Thanks very much for the responses.
