View Full Version : Premiere Capture Question

Khaled Chatila
March 10th, 2007, 08:44 AM

I recently inherited an FX1 - when i really needed an FX1E (long story) - now i was playing around with this thing and since i've never owned an NTSC camera before - i did a test which i'm not sure how to interpret.

I created a new PAL project, hooked up the camera and captured the footage.

Is this normal behaviour?

what exactly did i capture? did it force it to 25fps?

note that i am NEW to this video stuff and will be starting a course here at the next student intake in a couple of months to start learning more about this fascinating field.

I would like to make some surfing videos.


Dale Guthormsen
March 11th, 2007, 11:42 PM

No one has spoke to this issue so I will shoot a couple lines. PP allows you to capture in ntsc. Do you work in it and then when you have a rap on it then to burn it as a pal project. Is that what you are trying to do?? Most on this list work solely in ntsc. I have friends in england that require a pal copy of any work I do.
Now there are plenty of multi area dvd players, some times the cheapest ones do the job! You really can just keep it all in native ntsc.

Hope this helps in some way.

Bart Walczak
March 15th, 2007, 03:12 AM
If you were capturing via firewire, you captured it in the format it has been recorded.