View Full Version : 24p for documentary? (for DVD release and TV broadcast)

Emanuel Altenburger
March 9th, 2007, 05:09 AM

I will be shooting a 50 minute documentary in the near future and am planning to shoot it on 24p because I like the look of it a lot. Until now Iīve just done 24p recording on a Sony HDCAM 900 for digital cinema-screenings, not 24p for TV broadcast yet. How difficult or easy is this process of converting down to DigiBeta (25p) for example. I assume if itīs the HD route, itīs not a problem since HDCAM supports 24p.

Thanks for your help and comments,

Dan Brazda
March 12th, 2007, 03:35 PM
You won't have any problems. We shoot 24P documentaries on the 350 all the time and archive in that form. We downconvert to DigiBeta for Broadcast with no issues at all.

Emanuel Altenburger
March 12th, 2007, 03:46 PM
thanks a lot. Thatīs good to hear:-) Cheers!

Steve Cahill
March 16th, 2007, 07:02 AM
How are you downlconverting?

Emanuel Altenburger
March 16th, 2007, 08:23 AM
I have a friend/partner who owns an online-edit suite and who has all sorts of toys. Iīve done some downconverts from hdcam to digibeta @ 25p. They were absolutely fine. With 24p I havenīt done any Digibeta downconverts. I thought that it would be best to copy the finished film from an XDCAM HD onto Hdcam (via HD-SDI) to have an HDCAM master and then downconvert from HDCAM to Digibeta. Does this sound possible?

Dan Brazda
March 16th, 2007, 01:26 PM
We use XDCam HD Discs (1080/24P) for archiving and broadcast Digibeta (PDWF70 SDI out to DigiBeta SDI in). The station broadcasting our stuuf will go HD shortly and then we can deliver HD Quicktimes via Firewire Drive and then to their server.