Matthew Nayman
March 8th, 2007, 07:50 PM
I have shot about 7 hrs of footage for a project...
It seems like on the tapes, played back from my cam, it's all in synch (this is 24F), but after capture in premiere, some of the tapes start off 10 frame sout of synch (with sound) sometimes, a drop out causes the sound to go out of synch...
I am just wondering if this is a 24F problem? an HDV problem? A premiere problem (capturing in their 24F preset) or some weird anomoly (affected maybe 4 of my captured tapes).
Dean Collins
March 8th, 2007, 08:09 PM
I am having the same thing with imovie HD and mostly FINAL CUt Pro 5.1.4. I dont get it. Everytime i upload 24f It appears out of sync. Why wont it import in sync! Someone help solve this please
Bill Pryor
March 8th, 2007, 08:46 PM
I'm using FCP 5.1.4 also, doing 24p with no problem...
...However, when I loaded some footage on my iBook, it did play out of sync. I exported a QT, took it to the editing computer at work (dual processor G5), and that was out of sync...
...But, when I took the project and captured files to the G5, everything played in sync. When I capture directly to the G5, as I do all the time--the iBook was only a test--everything is perfect.
I'm not sure your iMovie will support 1080P24, which is the setting you need to use to capture the 24p footage. For Matthew's problem, it's weird that it worked on some tapes and not on others. I don't know anything about Premiere, but check all the settings. With my iBook, the processor and/or video card isn't big enough for HDV playback, obviously.
Matthew Nayman
March 8th, 2007, 08:59 PM
so it could be a hardware lag, and then it captures out of sycnh? That can happen?
Bill Pryor
March 8th, 2007, 09:30 PM
It happens if I capture into my iBook. But it's not really out of sync if I take the same project files, including that captured footage and move it over to the G5. Then it plays back fine. But if I export a QT, that stays out of sync.
Alex Diaz
March 8th, 2007, 10:05 PM
Question guys, how fast are your computers? And how's the ram? I haven't captured hdv correctly on my powerbook yet because i still have 512 ram. You have to make sure your hardware is able to suck in the footage and spit it out fast enough.
When i get my 2 gigs of ram, ill most likely be good to go.
Matthew Nayman
March 8th, 2007, 11:21 PM
I got dualcore 2.4ghz with 2gb ram.
How can it be in synch somewhere and out of synch elsewhere?
Someone want to explain what is going on internally? How can I capture full 1hr clips and keep them in synch?