View Full Version : All You Vegas Audio Author Techs I Need Your Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony Jucin
March 8th, 2007, 08:19 AM
Here is my problem you can click this thread to find out

So from doing that thread I was told to change it all the 48khz which I did.

Fine no problems well now the production company made the same batch again with the new rendered type and same thing people are having trouble playing it in playstations and Xboxes where the sound just drops out. They also said as soon as you skip foward or backwards the sound will drop again. What is the deal?

Don Bloom
March 8th, 2007, 09:01 AM
I have made thousands of DVDs using DVDA with AC3 audio and haven't had any problems-so I can only imagine what you're going thru but lets start at the beginning.
I would remaster the DVD but use AC3 audio and when the house masters it I would have them send you a check copy and try it in some of the different players you mentioned were having trouble playing it. It could only be 1 of a few things at this point-
Either the players aren't reading the audio so the change to AC3 could fix it

The master the house is making is bad

The discs they are using are no good
I have run DVDs thru PS2 and 3 and they play fine-I've never truied Xbox but the player from as long as 4 years ago most of them play the DVDs so it just doesn't make sense that it's something in Vegas-
BTW when you burned the master in NERO did it play OK in your own DVD players NOT the computer but on standalones?

I'm just brainstorming here as this is indeed a strange problem and frnakly I don't really know which way to turn to help you out in a direct manner.

Good luck


Tony Jucin
March 8th, 2007, 09:46 AM
Yup played perfectly fine never had a problem. I have those Cheapy best buy players though and it seems no one had a problem on those. At this point I am going nuts because all these people are freaking out because they are wondering where its at.

Also where do I check the settings to AC3 in nero? I think the other one was set to it.

Don Bloom
March 8th, 2007, 10:44 AM
Don't know about nero but let me ask - why are you burning in Nero and not DVDa? Just curious.

As for why they don't play properly in some of the player- I'm scratching my head and wondering that also. I don't get it.
If the audio was simply not playing OK-but for it to go in and out like you described I just really don't get it.

You might want to browse thru some of the threads at the Sony Vegas/DVDA forum-maybe there's something posted there about a situation like yours.

Sorry I can't be more help.


Declan Smith
March 8th, 2007, 03:35 PM
You may be interested iin the following thread which relates to issues creating DVDs with DVDA. All my problems were cured by using PGCedit as described.

There is a link to the workaround in there somewhere.

Steven Davis
March 8th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Take your master to a store and play it in an xbox and playstation. Don is right, it could be the dub house that has the issue.

Tony Jucin
March 9th, 2007, 08:10 AM
I used nero because its easy and I used it on my old dvd I made that people are having no problems playing. Just this new one with this new company I used.

Don Bloom
March 9th, 2007, 11:14 AM
it really sounds like there might be an issue with the company making the DVDs.
It seems like everything else is the same as before.


Tony Jucin
March 17th, 2007, 08:29 AM
Ok so now they are saying its the master that it does it with that also. I will be testing that this week.

Don Bloom
March 17th, 2007, 09:08 AM
I'm glad you posted whats going on with this issue-so many times we don't get an outcome.
As for the problem it STILL doesn't make sense-if the master YOU are making burning with Nero but authoring in DVDA WORKS in all the machines you mentioned I don't understand why the MASTER THEY are making is giving problems UNLESS THEY are not doing something right OR the master YOU are making really IS giving problems in the machines. Man this could drive someone to drink something other than fruit juice.
I guess the only thing I could suggest is t otry YOUR master and THEIR master side by side in the various machines. If yours works and theirs doesn't it would seem obvious to me that they are goofing when the make the master if yours goofs then you know where the problem is.
Again I've never experienced this so I'm really just brainstorming here.
I really wish I could be more help.