View Full Version : ACVQ1050D Charging Times

Craig Irving
March 7th, 2007, 12:13 PM
Do many people use this accessory for their L Series batteries? I can deal with the nuissance of having to charge my batteries on the camcorder itself, but I would love it if the charging time were reduced.

I can't find any specs on how fast the ACVQ1050D charges batteries compared to the camcorder itself.

Is there a difference?

EDIT: Nevermind. I found my answer and decided just to go ahead and buy it.

Doug Graham
March 8th, 2007, 08:28 AM
So what WAS the answer? Don't leave us in suspense!

Craig Irving
March 8th, 2007, 11:13 AM
Sorry about that. I guess I just assumed everyone here was already using an external charger.

Here's some info that I was able to compare.

On-Camera Charging (normal/full)
F570: 200min/260min F770: 310min/370min F970: 425min/485min

With ACLVQ1050D (normal/full)
F570: 85min/145min F770: 170min/230min F970: 250min/310min

This is just a consumer-charger though, I'm sure the professional L-Series chargers are even quicker.