View Full Version : Please advise on a completely manual lens.

Harry Bromley-Davenport
March 6th, 2007, 05:06 AM
I need to rent (or possibly purchase) a 5-1 manual lens for a shoot with the XL H1. Just to clarify, I specifically want the focus ring to be marked and not the "eternal round and round" variety. Same should apply to the iris settings ... manual.

The best for me would be the 35mm movie camera equivalent of a 5-1 zoom ... say 25mm-125mm. I'm also looking for an (35mm film equivalent) of an 18mm and a wacky wide angle 14.5mm.

I'm in LA.

Does any one have any suggestions about rental or purchase possibilities?


By the way, this site has been enormously helpful to me. I only wish that I had more personal technical knowledge to share.


Marty Hudzik
March 6th, 2007, 08:43 AM
I'm guessing you are going to use a 35mm adapter of some sort? The XL series does not have a direct xl series lens that meets your criteria. The closest thing is the 14x manual lens that has manual marked focus on the barrel and an actual iris ring on the barrel. It has no ND filters built-in either. It is a true manual lens. However the focal length is not in the area you are looking for. I don't have the specs but I think it is around 40mm-560mm 35mm equivalent. Also, it technically is no rated for HD use, but your mileage may vary as some have gotten great reulsts with it.

You will probably have to use a 35mm adapter and find a some type of cinema lens that meets your needs.

Good Luck!

Harry Bromley-Davenport
March 6th, 2007, 09:03 AM
Many thanks for your advice.
