View Full Version : NTSC playback on PAL player question

James Watt
March 5th, 2007, 11:01 PM
Long time lurker, First time poster.
(I hope this first post of mine is in the right place! )
I have learned a lot from this forum and I did not think I would ever have to ask a question, Normally I just do a search and find an answer :-)
Anyway I have a minidv tape coming from the US with some footage on it. I expect it will be NTSC.
My question is when I receive this tape does anybody know if I will be able to play this tape in either a PAL JVC HR-DVS2 svhs-minidv player or the PAL Canon XL2,?.
In my search I did find a post stating that someone had played a PAL tape in a NTSC Sony camera but I got the impression it was a feature of the camera.
Cant find any mention of it in the manual.
All info Welcome.

James Watt
March 8th, 2007, 11:49 PM
For anybody interested...
Just got the tape, tried it in both the Canon and JVC.. and it did not work in either.
All I got was a scrambled picture.. :-(
The footage is of Ryan Sheckler A pro skater I got it from Redbull for a editing competition... because it took so long to get here I dont think I will have time to track down a NTSC player, capture then edit to a reasonable standard, and send back in time for the cut of date!! (15th march)..
Oh well I will know for next time!!

Jonathan Jones
March 9th, 2007, 11:30 AM
In my search I did find a post stating that someone had played a PAL tape in a NTSC Sony camera but I got the impression it was a feature of the camera.


That's what I've heard also, I understand the cross-format feature to be a feature of the newer Sony HDV cams.

Brandon Freeman
March 20th, 2007, 06:42 PM
In my search I did find a post stating that someone had played a PAL tape in a NTSC Sony camera but I got the impression it was a feature of the camera.

That was probably my post.

I've found that HDV is different from regular DV. Basically, HDV is the same color space and size in both 60i and 50i -- the frame rates are just different.

So, I am able to play PAL HDV tapes on an NTSC HDV camera, the Sony HDR-FX1, which is NOT able to record in PAL and, as far as I can tell, is not listed in the manual as being able to play PAL -- I discovered it by complete accident.

But if it's regular DV, it won't work.