View Full Version : What they don't teach you at film school.

Frank Goertzen
April 20th, 2003, 08:35 AM
"What they don't teach you at film school"
By Camille Landau and Tiare White

This is a GREAT book. Just peak through the chapters at a friendly book store before you buy it(chapters). It's packed with insight! This book has probably been mentioned before but it deserves to be mentioned again.

Dylan Couper
April 20th, 2003, 09:51 AM
What they don't teach at films school....
That must be a big book!

Actually, it sounds intersting. I'm going to go look for it.

Richard Alvarez
April 20th, 2003, 02:18 PM
Yeah, it's a good book.
It was required reading in film school.

Frank Goertzen
April 20th, 2003, 05:25 PM
That's funny but wise on the part of the film school a lot might be insulted by the title.

Michael Wisniewski
May 10th, 2003, 08:32 PM
So does that mean they can't use this book in Film schools? I mean after all if it's used in a school then the book doesn't really live up to it's name ....

yes, I'm kidding ...

Brandt Wilson
June 9th, 2003, 10:13 AM
I also enjoyed this book, however I do have one criticism. They seem to be big proponents of the credit card financing approach to filmmaking. With as many people filing for bankruptcy these days, I find this kind of recommendation to be irresponsible. I think part of independent filmmaking is to shoot within your means. If you don't have the money on hand, save it or get people to invest in your vision, even if there is no chance to recoup the money.

I know this is a small part of the book, but I think it is an important issue, especially for young filmmakers who don't have practical knowledge of financial responsibility.

Sorry if this sounded like a rant...not meant to be, just got a little long-winded.

Rob Lohman
June 10th, 2003, 05:33 AM
I agree totally Brandt. Every once in a while you hear of a movie
totally finished by a dozen credit cards which gets me nervous.
We all know that a very high rate of movies never ever:

1. see it to completion

2. are well received

3. actually make money

A handful of credits cards maxed out with no money coming in
will get you into serious trouble.

(this is not to offend or discourage anyone, it is just the [hard]
truth so it seems...)