Cheryl Lighthall
March 4th, 2007, 07:45 PM
I have been asked to create a video from a fundraising karate event next month. The group sponsoring the event will be "selling" copies of the video for a donation (I will be donating my services).
Here's the question - Do I need gain permission of the participants and spectators at the event that might end up in the final video? If so, would posting a sign that attending the event is giving consent? I think I've seen something like that at an amusement park before.
For those of you who do event videos, how do you handle this? For graduations, dance recitals, etc., do you get permission, or just tape and sell it?
Don Bloom
March 4th, 2007, 08:12 PM
most of the events I do the attendees pay for a ticket/addmission-and the permission is granted when they buy the ticket. I do event where there could be over a 1000 people and it would be impossible to get a release signed from each person. I DO however always have releases with me just in case someone starts to stink up the place about it though.
In your case I would have the promoters set up signs at the entrance that the event is being videotaped and that the attendees aknoledge that they MIGHT be in the video and that they are by entering giving you and the promoter the right to use their images in that video only-that it will not be used in any other video not pertaining to that particular event and that it will not be used in an unflattering or degrading manner, or something to that effect.
Frankly I don't really know if that holds up legally but it sure works for the clients and events that I do-never been sued yet.
Check with the promoter and put something together to protect both of you.
Harold Schreiber
March 4th, 2007, 09:06 PM
Hi Cheryl,
I do what Don suggests when I do Adult Roller Skating parties, and of course most everybody gets into the "pitcure".
Kit Hannah
March 5th, 2007, 04:42 AM
I'm no lawyer, but I am pretty sure if people are in a public venue, there is not "reasonable expectation of privacy". As Don suggested, as long as you don't use it in a degrading manner, you should be cool. No one has ever once said to us they don't want to be filmed - usually they say "hey camera guy, you're in our way" and we simply reply "we've been here all day - there's pleanty of other places for you to go sit". Freakin Lazy People......Don't even get me started......
Cheryl Lighthall
March 5th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks for your help. I knew I'd get some good advice here.
Kit Hannah
March 5th, 2007, 07:16 PM
I spoke with a good friend of mine today that is a Media Lawyer - I asked him the question of people being filmed at events and he said exactly what i said. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy (in your home, in the bathroom, etc.), then it is pretty much fair game. No release needed.
Greg Boston
March 5th, 2007, 08:39 PM
I spoke with a good friend of mine today that is a Media Lawyer - I asked him the question of people being filmed at events and he said exactly what i said. If you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy (in your home, in the bathroom, etc.), then it is pretty much fair game. No release needed.
Nonetheless, a local minor league baseball field has the aforementioned signs alerting you that entry to the park is your consent to be videotaped or photographed.
I'd use the signs just to CYA.