Andy Harding
March 4th, 2007, 07:20 PM
Ok just wonndering how do you people charge for covering a school event?
Do you charge for covering the event OR cover your payment by the sales of the DVD themselves?
I'm talking about small local school shows (Christmas etc..) NOT big Uni or private school functions.
Mark Morikawa
March 4th, 2007, 07:37 PM
if the school is hiring you to cover the event, then charge for both the coverage and the DVD's accordingly. you might just charge them a small amount per DVD letting them markup the price to sell on their own.
Jon Omiatek
March 4th, 2007, 09:31 PM
I cover high school events and I get paid by the event. Yes, it might have been better to sell individual dvd's but you will run into people copying the dvd's.
It's a gamble to sell individual dvds and it's also more work. I just collect my fee up front, shoot the event, edit it and deliver the number of copies they want to the orgranizer. I don't have to field the calls and emails for orders or deal with the bounced checks and or mail all of the dvd's. Yes, bounced checks. Everytime I do a per dvd, we get at least 5 bounced checks. We did a cheerleading competition, where over 300 people ordered the dvds and we had 15 bounced checks. It amazes me how many people don't have $30 in there checking account.
Kit Hannah
March 5th, 2007, 04:35 AM
We did a cheerleading competition, where over 300 people ordered the dvds and we had 15 bounced checks. It amazes me how many people don't have $30 in there checking account.
WOW - We have done dozens of cheerleading events, a hundred graduations and tons of other shows selling DVD's - we've sold thousands and thousands paid by check and have only had 3 people bounce checks to us - ever. That's interesting....15? In one show? WOW!
If you're doing a small production, chances are that many parents will bring their own cameras - at least the ones who want videos. You may sell some, but the small events can be a hard sell. I would suggest doing a minimum with the school - you do a minimum of say 20 videos @ $25 each. Parents buy 10, the school has to purchase the other 10, or cover the difference. Then they can sell those if they wish. If you sell your minimum, the school pays nothing and you've made your money. They are happy and you are happy. There's no magic number, but just figure out what you would be okay with making off the show and figure it that way.