View Full Version : Particle Illusion v3.0

Matthew Amirkhani
March 3rd, 2007, 03:41 PM
Hi Guys,

Anyone of you guys uses ParticleIllusion? If you do please tell me how one imports DV AVI footage into the program? As far as I know it dosen't support
DV AVI? So please help me with this issue. Do I have to convert it to a different format? Which format would you recommend?


Robert Martens
March 3rd, 2007, 03:51 PM
According to the creator, Alan Lorence, DV support is being worked on, but for the moment you can use DivX. Conversion instructions are listed in the first sticky post at the top of the particle Illusion message boards (, entitled "AVI Request Format Error".

Matthew Amirkhani
March 3rd, 2007, 05:06 PM
Thanks alot Robert!!

Nick Jushchyshyn
March 5th, 2007, 06:23 PM
I use PI 3 from time to time.

Generally, I convert vfx shots into an image sequence (TIFFs or TGAs) for import into just about any non video fx package I'm using (CGI, Matchmoving, motion capture, Particle Illusion, etc.) This eliminates any frame count ambiguity since many of these apps do not have internal support for drop-frame framerates.

You might say that's a lot of drive space for clips, but it's really very small for DV. The smaller, individual files per frame are usually easier for visual effects apps (even compositing tools like AE or Shake) to digest. I'm used to dealing with HD (about 6Meg per frame) or Cineon (as big as 48Meg per frame), so DV res image files are not a big hurdle.

Peter Jefferson
March 6th, 2007, 08:54 AM
PI3 is a brilliant tool, and it supports many other codecs bar DV.. u can always go uncompressed, but u can even use otehr codecs like huffyYUV and the like..