View Full Version : Field Mixer- XLR Adapter

Tony Sellars
March 3rd, 2007, 01:12 PM
I know this has probably been "done to death". My situation- Outdoor television show using- XL1s, Azden 100 mics. We need a heavy duty field mixer/xlr adapter (prefer $200-$500 price range). Need at least 3 conn., could use 4 inputs. Have used Studio 1, twice we have pulled wires loose. We're pretty tough on unit moving around in boat, etc. No sound guy, only camera man. We need to be portable and flexible. What would you suggest for our situation?

Dale Guthormsen
March 4th, 2007, 10:39 PM
Good evening,

You may try a music store, you will be surprised at the prices there.

Just thought, do you want one that is a video mixer too, or Just audio?

the straight audio are not expensive and a four plug one will run under 200 dollars. I have ben pricing them recently myself.

Gareth Watkins
March 5th, 2007, 01:30 AM
Hi Tony

The best mixer IMHO are the Sound Devices ones, but for the money you quote Sound Devices units are out of the budget. Do a search for the Sign Video Eng 44 mixer... Ty Ford did a good review on it.. may suit your needs.
