View Full Version : tele?

Christopher Witz
March 2nd, 2007, 08:53 AM
The Kentucky Derby's coming up in May, and I have the opertunity to shoot some racing footage.... to me, the Z1's tele is a bit on the short side for anything like this...

Any of you fellas had success with an add on tele converter? any good ones over 2x?


Harold Schreiber
March 2nd, 2007, 10:00 AM
Hi Chris,

I do some Horse Videography (Stadium Jumping, Dressage, and Cross Country). I've found that 10 to 12X has usually been enough if you place yourself properly. I've found that adding X brings issues of focus, Cam balance, and increased need of a very stable platform. (if you've got a very good lens)

If you can, try to do a tryout of a simular distance situation (if you can't actually try it at the track). You may find you've got enough with your Cam's X.


Chris Barcellos
March 2nd, 2007, 10:09 AM
I've used the Sony HG (don't have exact no.) 1.7 58mm mount with a step down ring on my FX1. It vignettes except at longest telephoto ranges, but actually does a very nice job. I would love a good 2x, because it still needs more length for nature type shots..

Boyd Ostroff
March 2nd, 2007, 10:11 AM
Cristopher - I agree that the Z1 needs extending for many applications. I have the 1.6x Century which is nice, but not cheap. They now make a 2x which is really expensive. See the following threads:

Christopher Witz
March 2nd, 2007, 12:46 PM
thanks guys!

Justin Carlson
March 2nd, 2007, 01:29 PM
I just picked up the Centure Optics 2.0x teleconverter. I haven't filmed with it yet but I have played around with it and found that it focuses very quickly and I haven't noticed any iris degrading with in on. Granted, it's not the best review as I haven't plugged it into the cmpt yet. But next weekend I'm filming a wedding and I'll let you know the results after that.