View Full Version : Uwol #2 Theme Announcement
Meryem Ersoz March 1st, 2007, 10:03 AM A few reminders first....
1) all footage must be original to the UWOL Challenge
2) our website rules are slightly out of date--we are accepting the following formats: Sorenson 3, mp4, and mp1. we limit entrants to universal codecs which play on both Mac and PC, and these are currently the most universal. (we're working on accepting flash entries to make things a little more user-friendly, but don't count on that to be in working order by the march 19 deadline.) some excellent compression tips are available at this thread (you might want to bookmark it for later):
and now, the envelope please...
our nature and outdoors theme for UWOL Challenge #2 is...
good luck. you have 3 weekends to make your video shine!
deadline is march 19, noon MST.
Ken Diewert March 1st, 2007, 11:02 AM A few reminders first....
1) all footage must be original to the UWOL Challenge
2) our website rules are slightly out of date--we are accepting the following formats: Sorenson 3, mp4, and mp1. we limit entrants to universal codecs which play on both Mac and PC, and these are currently the most universal. (we're working on accepting flash entries to make things a little more user-friendly, but don't count on that to be in working order by the march 19 deadline.) some excellent compression tips are available at this thread (you might want to bookmark it for later):
and now, the envelope please...
our nature and outdoors theme for UWOL Challenge #2 is...
good luck. you have 3 weekends to make your video shine!
deadline is march 19, noon MST.
You say all footage must be original to the UWOL Challenge. Does this mean we can use old stock stuff that hasn't been used before?
Mike Teutsch March 1st, 2007, 11:06 AM Recreation? That doesn't sound like any fun!
Trond Saetre March 1st, 2007, 11:23 AM That's an interesting theme.
Will be a challenge living up to it's name.
Brian McKay March 1st, 2007, 11:24 AM Recreation......hmmmm
I got it...the winters are long, very long and Rankin has one of the highest birth rates in the country....yep I got it damn this is going to be fun....the communities favorite past time on tape....
Recreation this works...I think I can do something with it.
Thanks Meryem......
Chris Barcellos March 1st, 2007, 11:56 AM Very wide range. See these definitions from
Marco Wagner March 1st, 2007, 11:57 AM I love it, just hope I can keep under the time limit, lol!
Meryem Ersoz March 1st, 2007, 12:06 PM okay, brian, that's pretty funny, but remember this is family viewing.....
yes, i'm saving up some of my other themes for when the snow melts. of course, in nunavut, the snow never seems to melt, and by then it will be winter in australia.
so you see, it's not easy coming up with themes that can be all things to all people, since we're such a global group. y'all are gonna have to stretch now and then....
p.s. to ken--nothing out of other words, you need to shoot original footage. if there is something that you shot previously that you are compositing with something new that would be okay. for instance, for the last UWOL challenge, i was working on "squirrel-vision" which used a TV template, but the squirrels were shot for the Challenge. i couldn't use old squirrels, they had to be entirely new. make sense? so if you shot a sunset for UWOL #1 and posted it, you can't re-use that sunset. wake up and shoot a new one....
Brian McKay March 1st, 2007, 01:17 PM Absolutely agree....we will never make all the people happy all the time.
I think both themes you've come up with so far are broad enough to suit the various environments we live in.
On the family viewing thing shucks...I wanted to play a major role in my own movie.....
Thanks Meryem...excellent theme.
Per Johan Naesje March 1st, 2007, 02:25 PM Nice theme, should be possible to make something interesting from this!
In the meantime, please look at my recent footage from the MuskOx project at Dovrefjell, Norway: (footage link in my second thread)
Enjoy the footage and have a nice challenge!
Steven Gotz March 1st, 2007, 05:30 PM I have been working pretty hard lately, so maybe that is why all I can think about is where to find wildlife playing?
Sounds like I need to find some tiger cubs, or monkeys, or something. Hmmm. Recreation. Dolphins playing maybe? I do live near Sea World after all.
Chris Barcellos March 1st, 2007, 05:41 PM While I thought of UWOL being about wildlife, it actually refers to under water or over land, and is not limited to wild life. I think the idea is it is about videographers who conduct their work in the great outdoors, so even outdoor human recreation falls into the UWOL arena....
Meryem Ersoz March 1st, 2007, 06:31 PM well, one of my favorite things to shoot is outdoor sports, climbers, kayakers, etc. etc., which is very "Under Water Over Land-ish" so instead of calling this "extreme sports," i thought up the broader and more internationally-flavored "recreation."
animal recreation is something i had not thought of at all--very creative. i'm actually looking forward to the many, many unique interpretations of the theme. that was what was so fun about the first skies became windmills, birds, cloudscapes, airplanes, etc., etc.
one theme, so many possibilities!
Gabriel Yeager March 2nd, 2007, 12:12 AM Wow, this one is going to be tricky!
Hmmm, time to pull up my favorite website, Google!
Now, if only this darn rain stops..... Ohh, that gives me an idea! *scrambles for pen*
Dale Guthormsen March 2nd, 2007, 01:07 PM Meryem,
I have a question. The theme is recreation, but what I was wondering, sense this is wildlife oriented group, do we need to keep it wildlife oriented!
I could film xxx skidooing but that is hardly along the lines of the list's basis of wildlife.
Just need to know before I start working on the project.
Meryem Ersoz March 2nd, 2007, 02:05 PM this isn't a wildlife challenge, it's an "Under Water, Over Land" Challenge...nature and outdoors, and recreation is a big part of nature and outdoors.
be as creative with the theme as you wish. surprise me, i love surprises!
it can be animal, mineral, or vegetable. do vegetables cavort? or human. or alien. just make it nature and outdoors!
that's all i'm going to say on the subject. the rest you all need to talk among yourselves to generate ideas. a big part of your job is to figure it out! what am i going to do with this???? you guys can share ideas, but i don't want to be the one to tip the scales....
Gabriel Yeager March 2nd, 2007, 04:13 PM Meryem, do you mean, rec-re-a-tion, or Re-cre-a-tion? or both?
I would just like to know before I get started, thanks.
Chris Barcellos March 2nd, 2007, 06:19 PM Gabriel:
This is like a secret IQ test. You have to figure out what Meryem means. If you get it right, you get admitted to the secret UWOL society, if you miss it then you go to the sharks :) Now the way I look at it, if you recreate the world in a 4 mintue film, well, that may win you the prize. If you show your friends jumping into a swollen raging river for fun, that may win you the prize....If you finish any movie you are a winner !!
Steve Siegel March 2nd, 2007, 06:29 PM Move over sharks, here I come.
Steven Gotz March 3rd, 2007, 10:38 AM Sorry. I started it. I was just being a little silly. It really did take me a minute or two of figuring out how to capture animals playing that I realized that people playing outside would also work. I realize we don't use smiley's on this site, but perhaps I should have added a wink on my post. As I said, sorry about that.
I have a plan. It involves getting someone to present a lesson on how to do something specific in the recreation theme. I will try to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, and use the video as an advertisement for his coaching services. I run a community web site that specializes in a particular recreational activity, and I promised him a free ad once he agreed to give lessons.
Now, if I can just get him to participate in time for the contest.