View Full Version : Grindhouse chopped up...

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 1st, 2007, 07:21 AM
What do people here think about the fact that the double bill feature Grinhouse from Tarantino and Rodriguez is being chopped up into 2 seperate features for Europeans?

I really don't like this... The reasons the Weinstein brothers state or completely bullsh** too. All the trailers of this movie market this event as a double feature for the price of one! So now they want to completely destroy this experience for Europeans.
Oh, and it's not just that... there are 2 months in between the release of each feature too!

I think it's completely ridiculous. I'm not a superfan of Tarantino and Rodriguez, both made some good films, especially Tarantino, but I'm not a fanboy. But I AM a filmlover and Grinhouse looked very nice, but I can't stand it if they butcher up the whole concept of the directors!
And, of course, we will be paying more money too...

David Lester Mooney
March 1st, 2007, 09:25 AM
How did you find this out? It's outrageous, what's the point in releasing it at all if it isn't going to be a double bill. I'm suprised the guys agreed to it being split.

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 2nd, 2007, 04:32 AM
There are some articles on internet, and on a newspaper in Belgium it already stated the film distrubutors here are THINKING of seperating the film.
I think the UK gets the same double feature release as Americans, but for most of Europe it are 2 seperate movies...
I now am doubting if it would be a rumor, or for real, but I really think it's real, although I hope not.

I would also like to know what the directors find of this. There is already a major petition going on, and maybe the directors themselves will do (try) something about it.

The plan, like it is now - I think, is to release the double feature in America with the fake trailers, but with missing reeels.
And there was some rumor about in Europe, we will get them seperate, probably without trailers, but WITH the missing reeel, which would then be released later on dvd in America... But of this last I'm not sure, this could be just a rumor too.

Jason Lowe
March 2nd, 2007, 12:18 PM
Originally, the missing reel gag was just a gag, but they decided to shoot the missing material to make complete movies. They are supposedly releasing different versions of the movies, with different missing reels, in the US, kind of like the multiple endings when Clue was released theatrically back in the 1980's.

I'm sure the eventual DVD special edition will feature seamless branching to watch the various missing reel versions or the complete films.

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 2nd, 2007, 12:22 PM
It's confirmed that in Belgium, and possibly the Netherlands the films will be chopped up...

Evan C. King
March 3rd, 2007, 04:40 AM
I really don't like this... The reasons the Weinstein brothers state or completely bullsh** too.

What reasons did they give?

Mathieu Ghekiere
March 5th, 2007, 03:43 AM
What reasons did they give?

They said, because that double-feature tradition isn't really known in Europe, they'll release it seperately... UGH???
First: many people have said there WERE some double features shown in Europe.
Second and foremost: I found an older interview with Tarantino in the beginning of the project were he said they would like to 'get people familiar with this old concept that most young people probably don't know of'.

On Dutch websites and newspapers there have already been massive pettitions and controverse among fans about the seperating. But the distributor in Belgium and The Netherlands say they can't do much about it, because America gives the 2 movies seperately to them...

Really sad news. Many fans in Belgium and The Netherlands are planning to buy the Region 1 dvd and download the movie as a way of boycotting this practice.

Tatsuya Graham
April 19th, 2007, 02:32 AM
OMG! The same thing happened to me and my friend here in Tennessee, they split the movie up into two movies just so they could make some extra money, We came in on the second movie "Deathproof" thinking that maybe it came first, but when it was over, we looked stupid because we were just sitting in the movies, thinking that Rodriguez's film would start..... -_-

I was soooo mad....Greedy People....

Kyle Ross
April 26th, 2007, 11:13 AM
It could be because the movie didn't really do all that well at the box office in North America. I think the reasons the producers gave was because they believed people would be turned off by the length of the movie, being two full ones. I don't know if I believe that; the Lord of the Rings are almost three hours in length and they had no trouble there.

If you've gotta just see one, go with Planet Terror for sure. Death Proof is cool, but in my mind Terror stands head and shoulders above it. I hope they don't cut out the trailers they show midway through and at the start for you!

Rob Lohman
April 26th, 2007, 02:25 PM
Just saw the double-feature in the US here. While it is a long sit I would definitely keep them together. They work good like that in my opinion. Especially since they have a "fake" intermission in between 'em.

David Knaggs
March 21st, 2008, 11:41 AM
What do people here think about the fact that the double bill feature Grinhouse from Tarantino and Rodriguez is being chopped up into 2 seperate features for Europeans?

I really don't like this... The reasons the Weinstein brothers state or completely bullsh** too. All the trailers of this movie market this event as a double feature for the price of one! So now they want to completely destroy this experience for Europeans.

Not only for Europeans, but it was ruined for Australians too. Members of my family had been SO looking forward to seeing the double bill at the cinema. Then they just released the Tarantino movie by itself (padded out with an extra 15 minutes or so from its original 90 minutes on the double bill). So we didn't bother and the movie died a really quick death at the Australian box office (unprecedented for a Tarantino movie).

I think the reasons the producers gave was because they believed people would be turned off by the length of the movie, being two full ones. I don't know if I believe that; the Lord of the Rings are almost three hours in length and they had no trouble there.


Both Planet Terror and Death Proof were released on DVD this week in Australia, so we hired them both and watched them back-to-back at home to emulate the double-feature experience. It was terrific! We loved it!

My only quibble was that Death Proof was about 15-20 minutes too long. (I'm sure it still had all of the padding that was added to its separate theatrical release.) That much could have been cut from the first half of Death Proof. But the second half was absolutely marvellous. Solid Gold!

Planet Terror was an absolute hoot from beginning to end. It was a really wonderful piece of entertainment. Nice romantic sub-plot too.

Grindhouse was conceived by Tarantino and Rodriguez to bring the Grindhouse experience that they grew up with to the younger multiplex-oriented audiences who were unfamiliar with it. So it was always going to be a tough sell and needed a much more thoughtful and energetic PR and marketing program to make it work. But instead of fixing the correct target - PR and marketing - they (the aforementioned brothers) broke up the product instead. They'd earlier broken Kill Bill in two and gotten two opening weekends out of it. So surely it should work again. Right?

I remember coming out of the theatre after seeing Kill Bill Part One and thinking, "I've just paid for and sat through a half-movie." I never went back for Part Two. But if they ever release the original Director's Cut of Kill Bill as a single movie on DVD I'll be the first in line to buy it. And the same for Grindhouse. If they release it on DVD in its original double feature format (with the 90 minute version of Death Proof) I'll pick it up in a heartbeat.

A final comment: I loved the art direction in Death Proof. All of the signs on the walls of the bar were great. I even saw one for "Shiner" beer. Is that the one Chris is always talking about? (I assume it's a Texan beer.)

Greg Boston
March 21st, 2008, 12:12 PM
I even saw one for "Shiner" beer. Is that the one Chris is always talking about? (I assume it's a Texan beer.)

Yes, that's our beer. Brewed in Shiner, Texas by the Spoetzl Brewing Company.

Chris Hurd
March 21st, 2008, 08:52 PM
All of the signs on the walls of the bar were great... "Shiner" beer. As were the bottles on the table there at Guero's Taco Bar in Death Proof; most all of them were Shiner.

David Knaggs
March 21st, 2008, 10:17 PM
Ah! Then it was good to actually see it in its proper context (being consumed by Texans in Texan bars). I really think that local beers help define the local culture (regardless of whether that idea is politically correct or not). Melburnians are very fond of their local beers too, one in particular. They ran a series of ads for it back in the 70s (narrated by John Meillon, who played Wal in the Crocodile Dundee movies). The original was irresistible. It was impossible to watch it and not want to have one. In fact, I don't think you could truly understand Aussie culture and what it means to be an Aussie, if you don't understand the "pull" that this ad generates. We have the Australian Film Commission which spends millions of dollars annually on movies that their panel adjudges to be "culturally relevant". Then they release them, and hardly anyone in the culture bothers to go and see them. Ironic that a series of ads from the 70s is a more genuine cultural art form.

Here a YouTube link (it's not the original, but this one comes pretty close):

Maybe it's somewhere in the ballpark of how Texans feel about Shiner?

Matt Newcomb
March 22nd, 2008, 11:21 AM
At least you guys don't have to sit through Death Proof then? I'd consider that a bonus.

Kelly Goden
March 22nd, 2008, 02:15 PM
I didnt see it in the double feature format and didnt care, since neither film felt like a 70s movie(and the use of cell phones and references to current affairs didnt help). The Restricted panther animation was the most retro thing about it. And the guy doing a Roddy MacDowell in Legend of Hell House impression from the Dont trailer.
And Death Proof's opening credits.

Planet Terror seemed very 80s--however, i really enjoyed it.

Hated Death Proof.

I saw PT separately first a couple months ago--and they had squeezed the image like you used to see with movies on tv. The last one I can recall that did that was Die Hard.

John Hudson
March 22nd, 2008, 03:40 PM
I loved both entires from RR and QT

I agree, PT felt more early 80's horror film than grindhouse and Deathproof felt more straightforward 70's than grindy. But, I was not unimpressed. Total fun.