View Full Version : Getting Money back from a Carnet- how long does it take?

Justin Ferar
March 1st, 2007, 01:11 AM
We are going international as I have been doing reserach on taking production equipment out of the US.

The question that no one seems to be able to answer is- once one returns the Carnet papers having taken out a bond for the equipment, when will I get the money back?

Our equipment is $30k which equals a $12k bond (40%). Alot of money to part with!

What's been your experience?

Calling all international superstar shooters & producers!

Bill Ward
March 9th, 2007, 07:54 PM
My carnet expired in October, 2006. I still haven't seen the bond back yet.

Phillip Palacios
June 6th, 2007, 08:45 AM
I too have been researching the ata carnet, but i *think* your figures are off.

According to this, it's 40% then take the thousands and multiply it by ten. so in your case
$30,000 actual value x.40 = 12,000
12 x $10.00 = $120.00

$120 Bond Premium.

The whole thing is confusing to me, and I don't quite get it.