View Full Version : Vegas & Vista
Kevin Crockett February 28th, 2007, 07:25 PM I'm assuming(Vista is not listed as a compatible OS on that Vegas is compatible with Vista.
Is the failure to include Vista just an oversight or does Vista present difficulties for Vegas users?
Edward Troxel February 28th, 2007, 09:03 PM Vista is NOT officially supported currently. People have Vegas running on Vista but there are some issues - like the Media Manager doesn't work. Do a search here for more details.
Jeff Harper March 4th, 2007, 06:49 AM There are also potential issues with Media Player 10 and Vegas... I had trouble and reformatted my hard drive to fix it. I used to jump on a new OS or Software Version immediately, but I'm too old and lazy to take on all of the bugs. I'll let Sony deal with it, and hopefully these issues will be resolved.
Cary Lee March 6th, 2007, 01:14 PM i stay away from Vista until they get at least a service pack or 2 out. Vista sales are not going very well and the results are not worth paying so much over what you already have with xp. In addition...people have found that a lot of their existing programs cease to work with Vista. Besides you don't want to mess with a security nightmare with this program. Read.
John Huling March 6th, 2007, 01:28 PM Almost all new PC's especially the "loaded ones" come with 64bit Vista now. Short of deleting the OS and buying XP what are the options?
Curtis Rhoads March 6th, 2007, 03:31 PM That link that Cary gave is to an article that is almost a year old. UAP is no where near as bad as it was when the first beta's were released.
So far, from what I've seen and heard, Vista is not as bad as most of the naysayers online have made it out to be. I have Vista here, but have not installed it, because I'm in the middle of a production and it's never a good idea to go changing OS or software in the middle of the production!
Edward Troxel March 6th, 2007, 04:00 PM Almost all new PC's especially the "loaded ones" come with 64bit Vista now. Short of deleting the OS and buying XP what are the options?
I'm looking at getting a new laptop in the near future. It *WILL* be purchased from somewhere that I can specify that I want XP SP2 instead of Vista. There are still plenty of places out there that don't force it on you.
George David March 6th, 2007, 04:23 PM For me, Vegas 7 definitely works better with XP. Vista and Vegas = sluggish even on the latest clean-install Dell PC w/ 2 GB RAM (at least when compared to XP). The security features of Vista is exactly like it says on that Apple "Get a Mac" commercial.
I look forward to Vista SP1 (which will hopefully simplify and make UAP less annoying). As much as I love Sony Vegas, I absolutely hate it when running on top of Vista (or is Vista running on top of Vegas). But then again, take this with a grain of salt as I'm a Mac guy.
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 6th, 2007, 11:14 PM Ironically, I just had this conversation today with a Microsoft sales engineer.
Until now, we've always started beta or immediate on a new OS to test various gear and be up to speed. Vista marks the first time we've made a decision to be behind the curve. No Vista on any of 18 machines here.
On the other hand, we're running Vegas on three Apple systems now, using Bootcamp, and trying to get Parallels to function correctly.
I'm not sure that means anything...but...
Just bought a new Sony laptop, immediately pulled Vista off, reformatted, and installed XP.
Milt Lee March 8th, 2007, 10:43 PM Truth be told, the notion of updating to anything before I get a new machine just seems like "crazy talk" I built a very nice, very fast machine last summer. It works wonderfully and - of course, everything that I'm using is working fine RIGHT NOW. Why would you even think of changing? Now, another year from now, if I am ready for something, and IF they have done a SP 1 or even 2 - then fine - let the games began, but until then, the notion of getting a new OS just so it will have a pile of programs opened at once, and have them flying around the screen??? I mean really! Who could possibly care?
Milt "stable as sequoia" Lee
Brian Luce March 9th, 2007, 12:14 AM Are the service packs typically free?
Running Vegas 7 on Dell Laptop with Vista
Edward Troxel March 9th, 2007, 08:07 AM Are the service packs typically free?
Yes, OS Service Packs are typically free.
Milt Lee March 9th, 2007, 08:50 AM How-some-ever,
Microsoft has stated that they won't be offering Service Packs for Vista. They think that the regular updates that they will be doing will be just fine, and take care of the issues. I suspect that it won't work out that way. The reality is that people will be finding issues that need fixing, and they will be sending out patches like crazy, but at some point you reach a place where somebody has just gotten a brand new computer with Vista, and they want all the patches in there when they turn it on. Hence the SP.
Things have always ended up much better with the service packs - they really do, so why not just expect that they are going to do it. I believe they will. Wait 6 months.
Rob Lohman March 9th, 2007, 08:17 PM Milt: can you please put a source to that claim? I haven't heard any of that. In the end we'll have to see what the future brings. There have always been (free) SP's for all previous Microsoft OS'es including the Server line.
Milt Lee March 9th, 2007, 11:26 PM "I was disturbed, however, by Steve Ballmer's comments at the Vista launch, where he seemed to discount the idea of a "service pack" for Vista, instead praising its ability to update constantly with new fixes as they're rolled out. That sounds great in theory. But I know too many businesses and individuals who won't move to Vista until SP1. Like a first kiss or a first zit, early Windows 98, ME, and XP failures are etched into their brains, making them incapable of adopting version 1 of anything.",1895,2098817,00.asp
This was from Jim Louderback at PC Magazine. After looking at the quote again, I realize that I overstated what he said, and I'm sorry about that. He didn't say that Vista won't offer SP's - he said that Steve Ballmer "seemed to discount the idea of a service pack."
Service Packs and updates have always been free - it's true, and my experience with MS is that the stuff seems to get better all the time - even if it takes a while for them to do it. I have used PC's forever - ever since the first MAC came out, and I couldn't afford it. I also couldn't get behind the notion of not being able to use any old video or audio card, and of course the two pieces of software that I use ever single day - Vegas and Sawstudio - are PC centric.
So there you are.
Rob Lohman March 10th, 2007, 07:54 PM Thank you! That is a bit disturbing indeed. I can't help but think that Steve is
wrong on this or was somehow mis-quoted. Let's hope that this is the case!
We'll have to wait and see....