View Full Version : HV10 is amazing... 15 minute Video...

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 01:14 AM

A few raw screencaptures

That is medium quality

I'm uploading high quality (1280 x 720) as I speak... it's 300 megs so it'll be a few hours...

All filmed with the HV10... it was pouring rain so I used a garbage bag, cardboard (for LCD and Lense Hood) and duct tape ... camera survived :)

Sony Vegas for editing... some of the zooms you see are done with vegas... but a lot of it was done with the HV10... you can ask and I can let you know if it was digital/optical

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 02:15 AM
Oh ya, I converted it to Progressive... vs. the Interlaced it normally is...

Brad Vaughan
February 27th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Nice stuff.

A homemade rain cape...pretty cool!

Can't wait to check the HQ version. :)

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 01:14 PM

I'll have a "super" high quality... 1440 x 1080... later

I did one version but set the bit-rate lower so it doesn't look as good as I wanted...

The guy at 1:10 taking pictures took this one of me ;) we're buddies...

Brad Vaughan
February 27th, 2007, 02:02 PM

What mode were you shooting?

Very clear footage for a cloudy rainy day. Man this HDV stuff is so fun to capture and watch!

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 02:09 PM
I think I just went with auto, was too lazy to mess with it...

On my old Elura 2 I would set the shutter to 1/2000 and run progressive is from the Elura 2

Brad Vaughan
February 27th, 2007, 02:13 PM
Not bad for Auto then...not bad at all!

Man, I gotta try this Paintball action! Looks fun.

Thanks for sharing these clips!

George Ellis
February 27th, 2007, 02:59 PM

I'll have a "super" high quality... 1440 x 1080... later

I did one version but set the bit-rate lower so it doesn't look as good as I wanted...

The guy at 1:10 taking pictures took this one of me ;) we're buddies...
Hmm bag and foam on camera. When I shot some Airsoft stuff, I used a different approach. I told them if they hit me, I was going to get my friends .45 AGP and shoot back. Nothing came close ;)

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 07:01 PM
I put a UV filter on just to protect the lense, tripod got hit about 20-30 times but never got hit in the body...

Going to make my own plexiglass case for it though :)

Joe Busch
February 27th, 2007, 11:40 PM

Screencapture squished to 50% of original size...

I still can't believe it came out of a video camera... let alone one I got for $900

Jason Burkhimer
February 28th, 2007, 12:51 AM
Nice video! For the most part, I like your cuts and subtle effects. About 45% of the way thru you start a steady "on/off" thing where the vid cuts in and out. I think you can do with out that. In my opinion, its not aesthtically pleasing, just distracting. Also, you started the video like it was an account of a tournament by displaying "Sweet 7, event 1" But you dont really follow up with anymore information as the vid goes along. Lastly, a little more variety in music would go along way, I think.....unless you work for Rise Against. ;) Just some small nitpicks.

The action was great and the picture was clean, the editing and pacing was good. And it made me wish I hadn't sold my paintball gun!

Nice work, man!


Joe Busch
February 28th, 2007, 07:41 PM
Haha don't work for them, just like them ;)

And what you mentioned about the cutting out, I look back on it and think I could have done something else, a few other people mentioned that as well...

Could have said more about the event too, but didn't really feel it necessary...

Thanks for the suggestions

Also going to try shooting in a higher shutter speed, should come out a lot cleaner for the motion/paintballs :)

Joe Busch
March 2nd, 2007, 02:09 AM
Also looking for any feedback in terms of technical/what you liked and what you didn't like...

I know you can see the ghetto lense hood at the corner of some of the shots... it was cardboard and ducttape ;) I'm making a full shield/cover out of plexiglass sometime soon...

Ben Troxell
March 5th, 2007, 02:13 PM
I <3 your videos. Do you know what kind of camcorder Stealth Media uses?

Joe Busch
March 5th, 2007, 03:29 PM
He uses an HDR-FX1... The $3500-4000 Sony ;)

Mine was the $900 Canon :D