View Full Version : Beginner HD201e shooter seeks help (equipment)

Jeroen de Cloe
February 26th, 2007, 03:10 AM
Hi there!

Not everything in this mail is related to the HD200 directly, but I thought it was best to ask people who have experience and edit footage in combination with the HD200.

We're planning to buy the next Mac Pro revision with Final Cut Studio, to edit HD201e footage.

1. We don't have experience with 35mm adapters, but which one would be the easiest to setup and has a good image quality? Is it difficult to shoot? Because you have two lenses, right? (the stock lens + the adapter). Is it easy to change focus without a special focus ring for the added lens?
Is the HD200 easier or more difficult to setup, or the same compared to other cameras?

2. I heared from person A it is important to have a good calibrated monitor to edit footage with. Which monitor would you recommend, and can it be connected to my Mac Pro directly, or would I need some kind of expensive equipment to convert signals? Why is this?
Person B says: just connect an old CRT monitor, because that's what the avarage Joe looks at.

3. Tape deck loader; why are these so expensive? What is the advantage of using a deck loader compared to a firewire connection?

Thank you!