View Full Version : posting attachments, photos, etc.

Bill Busby
February 24th, 2007, 08:58 PM
I didn't know where else to post this question & have tried a few other places & got no answer.

How does one post attachments or photos here? I've been here a while now & would think I've passed the "trial" period, so to speak. It still says "You may not post attachments" in the Posting Rules at the bottom left here. I've seen forum users here that have been a member here less time & much less posts as me, & I wonder.

Also I read from another post there should be some button below the text window but all I have is Submit New Thread, & Preview Post.

Any help is appreciated.


Mathieu Ghekiere
February 25th, 2007, 03:04 AM
I don't know for sure, but I *THINK* that you just have to get some permission. I think anyone, but I'm not sure, can ask that to the moderators, if they can attach a photo, and maybe then they get permission.
But I could be wrong though.
There is a seperate photo gallery here, and I think you can ask to post there, and I think then they give you a special upload code or something.

Bill Busby
February 25th, 2007, 04:17 AM
Thanks Mathieu. It seems some moderator read this post & fixed me up, so all is well now.

Whoever it was, thank you!
