View Full Version : Need a minor part for an Arri 650 plus fresnel

Stephen Hall
February 24th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Hi all,

I have an Arri 650 Plus fresnel that is missing the nut that is used to secure the adjusting knob and yoke to the frame of the unit.

The nut appears that it slides into a channel on the side of the lamp, then the adjustment knob screw shaft screws into it.

I don't see the part listed among the parts on Arri's parts brochure for the thing.

Can someone help with a source for this part ?


Stephen H

Bob Hart
February 24th, 2007, 03:43 PM
This may be a silly suggestion so feel free to hurl the tomatoes and rotten cabbage at me.

I am imagining the nut is a normal metric hex nut which slides captive in a channel. If it is not, then ignore my comments.

Metric threads are probably a difficult hardware find in your neighbourhood.

Have you tried your local auto wrecker for Japanese or other asian vehicles? Before all the modern plug-in stuff went on them, there was a bit of metric electrical nut and bolt stuff under the dash, on windscreen wiper, heater motors, the main alternator conductor.

You also might find something in a wrecked asian sourced electrical appliance like a washing machine on the motor endcap tie bolts.

With things like electric drills or grinders, the fasteners are mostly screws going into threaded holes in metal or plastic structures.

Stephen Hall
February 25th, 2007, 09:54 AM

That's an interesting approach !

Thanks. I'm still hoping for a part reference, though. I don't really have
the time to go "scouring", carrying a lamp head around.


Stephen H

Daniel Epstein
February 25th, 2007, 09:57 AM
Call Arri directly ARRI USA Inc., Blauvelt, NY. •. Phone 845-353-1400. •. Fax 845-425-1250. Burbank, CA. •. Phone 818-841-7070. •. Fax 818-848-4028

They should be able to help you

Stephen Hall
February 25th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Thanks Daniel. I guess I'll do that !


Stephen H