View Full Version : Adding same transition to multiple clips

Josh Woll
February 21st, 2007, 10:47 PM
Does anyone know how to do this an easy way?

I have a bunch of 4 sec. clips and text and I want to apply a cross dissolve (2 sec.) to all of the clips, but instead of having to drag and drop, drag and drop and let ten years of my life pass away, I was hoping for a quicker way.

Thanks for your time.

Josh Woll

Jeffrey Butler
February 21st, 2007, 10:51 PM
I was hoping for a quicker way.
I think you can option drag the transition to the next edit point. Click the trans, then option, then drag. Maybe it's another combination of those...

Victor Kellar
February 21st, 2007, 11:27 PM
The Cross Dissolve at 1 sec is the Default Trans in FCP. You can change the default, so set it 2 secs if you like (not at the Mac at the moment but its in there somewhere). Then you can use Shift F10 which overwrite your clip to the Timeline and and create the crossdissolve between the two clips

Alternate: Create the 2 sec cross dissolve first, double click it to put it in the Viewer then use the "hand" icon to drop it down between the other clips

Alternate 2: Create the trans and drag it into your Favorites folder ... but you will still have to drop it down

Nate Schmidt
February 22nd, 2007, 05:35 PM
Just select all the clips after setting up your default transition, then put your playhead at the beginning of the timeline. Then drag all the clips you have selected into the canvas window and hold your mouse there untill some options pop up. Select overwrite with transition. That should apply cross dissolves to all the transition points.

Jeffrey Butler
February 22nd, 2007, 05:42 PM
Then drag all the clips you have selected into the canvas window and hold your mouse there untill some options pop up. Select overwrite with transition. That should apply cross dissolves to all the transition points.
Oh, now that's brilliant. I never thought you could do that. It's so un-Final Cut...! LOL. Probably on page 138 of the manual...

Bill Davis
February 22nd, 2007, 08:29 PM
Oh, now that's brilliant. I never thought you could do that. It's so un-Final Cut...! LOL. Probably on page 138 of the manual...

Close... its on pg 156 of Vol II.

; )

Bill Davis
February 22nd, 2007, 08:38 PM
Close... its on pg 156 of Vol II.

; )

And now that I think about it. That probably means your fingers slipped and you actually meant your "so un-Final Cut" snark to read..

"yet another fine example of how the FCP designers have made a really useful tool for those who take the time to learn how it works..."


Josh Woll
March 1st, 2007, 02:55 PM
Took me awhile, but I wanted to thank all of you guys for taking the time to throw up some tips.

Andy Mees
March 1st, 2007, 11:21 PM
and, if you change your mind afterwards, do the same thing but drop it on the plain jane "Overwrite" overlay ... alll the transitions disappear.