View Full Version : Another Subject - Charging VX2100 in Europe

Mike Petty
February 20th, 2007, 07:32 PM
It appears I will doing some shooting in Germany and the UK and it just dawned on me...I will need a converter to charge the camera while over there. (Better now than on the plane, eh?)

Again...any suggestions are appreciated. I have never shot in Europe...any other little technical details I should address in pre-pro?


Boyd Ostroff
February 20th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Hi Mike: welcome to DVinfo! Actually you won't need any kind of convertor at all, just an adaptor so the plug fits the outlets in the country you're going to. Just about all modern electronic equipment (computers, cameras, camcorders, etc) automagically senses the voltage and frequency of the power and adjusts accordingly.

I had no problem with my Z1, PowerBook and external firewire drives in Argentina with 50hz 220 volt power for example. But to satisfy yourself, look at the specs on the VX power brick. I have a VX-2000 and it says:

AC IN ~100-240V 50/60Hz

That should cover anything you're likely to run into. Find out what kind of outlet configuration you're going to have in your destination, and get the correct adaptor. You can find these at Radio Shack, Staples, CompUSA, Best Buy, Circuit City.... wherever. Of course you can get over-priced fancy ones, but the basic adaptor should cost less than $10. You definitely do NOT need a transformer. Check out this site to determine what you need: