View Full Version : Interesting Gizmo -x2vga

Donnie Rogers
February 20th, 2007, 03:01 PM
While I was looking around for an economical way to see HD resolution in the field, I came across this box some of you might find interesting, Take a look at

It was designed for the X-Box market, but will convert the HD component signal into VGA for display on a computer monitor.

I have found that some monitors behave better than others. Sony multisync tube monitors look great, but I had no control to properly display 16:9 screen ratio. Same for 4:3 Samsung LCD monitors we were using.

With Z1U and convertor box in hand, the folks at my local Circuit City let me try out a few monitors. I found a 16:9 17" gateway for around 200 bucks that works great.

Your milage may vary, but I thought someone might find this info helpful.

Donnie Rogers
Grass Roots Media

Boyd Ostroff
February 20th, 2007, 05:52 PM
Hi Donnie, and welcome to DVinfo! That looks pretty cool - thanks for the link.

Ben Winter
February 20th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Mayflash makes these adapters for a little cheaper than that, and they are considerably smaller as well. I have one and it works extremely well. Also I don't know what voltage this one requires but the mayflash is easily powered by 4 AA batteries.

Boyd Ostroff
February 20th, 2007, 07:06 PM
That's pretty cool too!

Brian Luce
March 23rd, 2007, 12:59 AM
I was in circuit city today and saw the 17" gateway lcd. it's 200 bucks. This sure seems like a nice affordable solution. anyone else using it?

Also, it lists the max rez at 1280 by 720. does that mean it's ideal for 720 p?