View Full Version : XL HI future upgrades

Robert Camitta
February 19th, 2007, 02:08 PM
I am interested in buying a XL H1, but was wondering if it was worth waiting until NAB. Not that there were any good deals, but that Canon would be coming out with a newer version or system upgrades. Has anyone heard anything?

Darrell Essex
February 19th, 2007, 03:17 PM
Have not heard anything, but, it's bee about 18 mo. come april and the time may be right for an H2 with true 24p, since the H20 that just came out has it.
If it is not anounced at NAB, i'm going to go ahead and buy one.


Nick Hiltgen
February 20th, 2007, 04:26 AM
I suppose I understand the point of having 24p, but the only difference would be an upgrade in reolution correct? Perhaps maybe embedded audio and timecode on the jackpack, or a version of the camera without it all together? oh maybe being able to use magnify while recording. I suppose it's possible they'll release a better lens but i doubt it or a sharper viewfinder but I doubt that as well. I'm not trying to turn this into an area 51 post, I'm just trying to figure out what features would warrant a new model xl-h(s/2).

Salah Baker
February 20th, 2007, 06:27 AM
maybe XL-2K? :D

Paul Doherty
February 20th, 2007, 06:42 AM
Well Canon must have noticed:-
1. The many complaints about the viewfinder
2. Numerous comments about the desirability of embedded audio and timecode on the jackpack.

Both seem to me to be resolveable, so it will be interesting to see whether they respond at some stage.

Greg Boston
February 20th, 2007, 07:05 AM
I am interested in buying a XL H1, but was wondering if it was worth waiting until NAB. Not that there were any good deals, but that Canon would be coming out with a newer version or system upgrades. Has anyone heard anything?

Canon does not historically introduce camera models at NAB. Typically it's summer or fall when they introduce new models. Canon's presence at NAB is the broadcast division which tends to be more lens oriented. However, they had a lot of XLH1's on display but that's because the broadcast division builds the XLH1, unlike the former models which came from the consumer division.


Chris Hurd
February 20th, 2007, 07:16 AM
Oops -- sorry, Greg -- Canon's broadcast division is strictly a "lenses only" outfit. All camcorders, from the lowly ZR series to the flagship XL H1, come from Canon's video division.

Greg Boston
February 20th, 2007, 07:31 AM
Oops -- sorry, Greg -- Canon's broadcast division is strictly a "lenses only" outfit. All camcorders, from the lowly ZR series to the flagship XL H1, come from Canon's video division.

Gosh, thanks for clarifying that, Chris. Could've sworn that we discussed earlier on that the XLH1 was being produced by the broadcast division. Is this something we initially thought, then later learned was not so?


Marty Hudzik
February 20th, 2007, 09:27 AM
From talking to some people in the know , I have been told that the same engineers who work on the broadcast lenses designed the H1 lenses. In fact, it was also said that the same assembly plant that was producing the high end broadcast glass was also producing the H1 lens side by side. So it would seem that the glass is produced by the broadcast least if you believe my 3rd hand information! I know it's reliable though.