View Full Version : monitoring/focus HDV with EDTV on the A1?

Eugene Kim
February 19th, 2007, 01:27 PM
Hi, I just got the A1 and was wondering if you could use a 13" EDTV to monitor/focus footage from the A1 live when shooting in its HDV modes?

In the manual it says that you can change a menu setting and get the A1 to downconvert high-def footage to SD through the component output jack.

I'm assuming that means you can use an EDTV which have component input and are 480p and accept high-def signals, to monitor your footage and pull focus when shooting in the hdv modes with the A1?

...well, at least, I'd like to assume that.

I found a 12v battery belt at a good price and have a 12v AC/DC inverter with power plugs as well, so I'm pretty sure I could use this combo to battery power an EDTV. I could do this with an HDTV as well, but I would like a monitor I could use for both SD and HD content...since well, I won't be shooting much hd for now, and I sold my old SD monitor.

Thanks for any info.