View Full Version : I have to tell Vegas to render audio each time??

Charley Gallagher
February 19th, 2007, 09:27 AM
For some reason everytime a reder a composition I have to go into "custom" and tell Vegas to use audio. It's become the default. What a pain if I forget to do this and the render takes over an hour!

Also, each time I start up a new project i get the menu of settings to use, with an option to "use these settings for all new projects". That doesn't save, if just appears each time.

Probaby a simple explanation but I can't figure it out.


David Jimerson
February 19th, 2007, 05:01 PM
Depends on how you're rendering.

The only templates I know of which don't automatically include audio are the DVD Architect templates under MPEG-2. There, the "Include Audio" is unchecked by default, but that's because you WANT to render the audio separately as AC-3 or PCM and not use MPEG audio. You simply get better results.

Any other template should have the audio included.

As for the Project Setting menu popping up, check your Preferences? There might be a box you can check or uncheck which will disable that. I don't have Vegas in front of me right now to look. It doesn't happen for me, though, so if there's a setting, I took care of it long ago. I don't specifically recall.

Robert Kirkpatrick
February 20th, 2007, 09:33 AM
I just popped open Vegas 7 and didn't see anything in the Preferences that might be causing it. Like David, the only template that I know of that doesn't render audio is the DVD Architect outputs.

If for some strange reason your Vegas has a strange bug, you could always save your Custom setting (with audio) as a filename -- and then pull it up each time.