View Full Version : LCD screen washed out

Martin Kornfeld
February 19th, 2007, 05:42 AM
When looking square on at the LCD screen on my XHA1 the picture levels seem to brighten and becomes washed out. Only when tilting several degrees back or forth does picture appear to look normal. I was told this is just the way these are suppose to work on these cameras. I'm skeptical - seems like a defect to me. Anyone experience this too?

Martin Kornfeld

Evan Donn
February 19th, 2007, 01:46 PM
One of the limitations of LCDs is that the brightness varies based on your viewing angle. If the image looks better at an angle other than straight on you should try adjusting the LCD brightness and/or contrast in the display setup menu. You'll probably find that the brightness/contrast setting that looks right will depend a lot upon the viewing environment - i.e. outdoors in sunlight will require different settings than for indoors.

Martin Kornfeld
February 21st, 2007, 09:41 AM
I'm aware that the screen will look different at different angles but should not the most accurate be the angle that is square on? Also, I'm not talking about it being slightly brighter when viewed square on but rather almost completely washed out.