View Full Version : light

Chris Hull
February 18th, 2007, 10:36 AM
i have found that even when filming on a dull day i get lens flare, light circles with my fx-7 on the picture ,turning nd filter to no 1 mostly stops the effect but the picture can be a bit dark then also changing iris settings helps but no camera i have had needed so many adjustments when simply filming on a dull day ,my hc-1 can cope ok in similar circumstances.when filming the ground even the effect can show.chris

Marcus Marchesseault
February 18th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Could you describe your issue in greater detail. I have not seen the issue you mention. Is your lens clean?

Chris Hull
February 18th, 2007, 07:24 PM
Could you describe your issue in greater detail. I have not seen the issue you mention. Is your lens clean?
i am sure it is lens flare the picture has a circle or sometimes an area of light on it that shows up unless the nd filter is set to 1 ,i have seen the effect but not as bad as with the fx-7 in dull light ,here is a clip with the flare circle in the sky every clip had some sign on the days shots but without sky less obvious,do you think its normal in this light,chris

Ken Ross
February 18th, 2007, 09:28 PM
I'll tell you that looks more like a spot on the lens. I noticed that as you turned the camera toward the end of the clip, the spot stayed pretty much in the same place. I would think with lens flare that spot would change its perspective....but I could be wrong.

I've got an FX7 and haven't noticed this at all.

Marcus Marchesseault
February 18th, 2007, 10:01 PM
It looks like either a spot on the lens or a reflection from the lens onto the back of a filter. Are you using a filter? The movement of the spot can be explained by corrections made by image stabilization.

Chris Barcellos
February 19th, 2007, 03:26 AM
I vote for spot on lens or filter. Show up in wideangle with more distinct edges, and with zoom went real soft. I was watching a high definition program on PBS the other night, and you should have seen the dirt on that lens.. It was stuff they couldn't reshoot, but I bet the producer was in a bit of funk... You have to be cleaner with high definition, it'll show up better.

Chris Hull
February 19th, 2007, 05:19 AM
It looks like either a spot on the lens or a reflection from the lens onto the back of a filter. Are you using a filter? The movement of the spot can be explained by corrections made by image stabilization.
first the lens is as clean as i can get it,no filter used yet with cam,why would my cam alone give a reflection from the lens onto the back of a filter,and why does using nd 1 seem to stop it,i will check some sunny day footage again but i dont think it shows then.thanks chris

Chris Medico
February 19th, 2007, 07:43 AM
Hi Chris.

I'm sure you don't want to hear this but after looking at the video I also believe it to be something on your lens or filter.

I've had very similar artifacts on a recent shoot even though the lens looked clean. It was only after I lit the lens from the SIDE with a flashlight that I saw the culprits.

Try looking at the lens and the filters with very low angle illumination. Maybe the specks will show up then.

They have to be REALLY REALLY clean with HD.

I keep a lens brush and wet lens cleaning wipes in the bag and will be checking often for specks.


Chris Hull
February 19th, 2007, 08:22 AM
thanks chris as i said it cant be filters,i have checked some sun filming and the artifact or whatever shows much less[hardly any] but filming in the direction of the sun once i did see a group together that looked just like the single one i showed but i realy thought they were caused by backlight or flare,after cleaning and testing again today[dull]it showed much less but could just be seen at times, but if it was on the lens why does it not show indoors.this is my second fx-7 i returned the first because it would not set manual white balance always too red but this one is not much better,auto is week on 0 setting so to get reasonable color i will probobly use auto on at least + 3 setting what settings do you use ken ross.i may sound like a moaner but one other thing i find that the fx-7 does[hc-1 does not] if there are whte virticles ie conservatory in the picture jaggies often show,i will show a clip next if i can.thanks very much chris

Chris Medico
February 19th, 2007, 08:33 AM
Well, since you are sure the optics are clean I would recommend a trip in for service. Those artifacts are not normal or acceptable.


Chris Hull
February 19th, 2007, 09:10 AM
Well, since you are sure the optics are clean I would recommend a trip in for service. Those artifacts are not normal or acceptable.

well it cost me 20 pounds last time postage and a month for a replacement i have to decide whether to bother.thanks