View Full Version : A $30 HD1 performance boost

Chris Wells
February 17th, 2007, 10:40 AM
I recently changed the lights in my house from incandescent to flourescent cool white. There is a company producing a small format bulb equal in size to a standard lightbulb. My 100 watt equivilent is as small as a 40 watt incandescent. As a result, the fixtures rated for 40 watt bulbs now contain 23 watt ones with 4 times the light output. The switch cost me $7 per room.

I have noticed that video from the HD1 now looks much more natural, less grainy, and crisper. The focus hunt still happens. I think there may be more to the focus hunt issue than sheer quantity of light.

Please note that there are different types of flourescents. I made the mistake of purchasing a pack of standard mini-flourescents instead of cool-whites. The difference was astounding. Only the cool whites looked natural. Also, note that there are mini 23 watt bulbs (got mine from Wallmart), but most still seem to be large. It makes a difference because the smaller bulbs fit in anything whereas the larger ones don't.

Wayne Morellini
March 15th, 2007, 11:06 AM
Thanks Chris, good idea, I have overhead fluorescent tubes, using tri-color, amazingly bright, but I find fluorescents affect sleep (the eye is stimulated by daylight like light (more bluish) that keeps us awake, at dusk the color changes and theoretically we get sleepy by campfire at night).