View Full Version : How do you use the Assign Buttons?

Tim Allison
February 16th, 2007, 09:29 AM
There are obviously many options to "assign" to the Assign Buttons. Which features do you assign to the buttons on your V1? For us, Color Bars is a definite for one of the buttons. But I'm trying to decide which features to assign to the other ones.

I know the answers to this will be somewhat "individualistic" in nature, but I'm still curious as to what others are doing.

Also, a side there any difference between buttons 1-2-3 on the outside, and buttons 4-5-6 inside the view finder "door"? The manual said something about memory and VCR functions for buttons 4-5-6, but I really didn't understand what it was talking about.

Gareth Watkins
February 16th, 2007, 10:39 AM
Hi there

Can't talk for the V1 as I shoot on the Z1, but I would be surprised if the same features aren't available...
These are the ones I use and find really useful...

1) Adjust the WB Level when in preset +
2) Turn off Image stabilzer
3) Adjust WB when Level in preset -
4) Underscan mode
5) Colour bars

6) Record Review (don't use this one)


Paul Rickford
February 16th, 2007, 11:11 AM
I'm set up as follows-

1- Digital Extender

2- Backlight

3- Allscan mode

4- Colour Bars

5- Steadyshot on/off

6- Cine Profile 1


Jerry Mohn
February 16th, 2007, 05:58 PM
1-3 auto trans
4 extender
5 peaking
6 bars

Brett Sherman
February 17th, 2007, 09:47 AM
End Search - Suprisingly, there is no "End Search" function available in VTR mode that I can find. So to review footage you absolutely need this. Switch to VTR mode, rewind, playback, switch to Camera mode, press End Search and you're at the end of your footage.

Rec Review - good for quick check of previous take

Macro On/Off - You have finer control of the focus when Macro is turned off. Plus, if you unwittingly move it into Macro (less than 2.8 feet I think) when you don't need it, you will throw everything out of focus. For wide angle shots if Macro is off you just go as close as possible with focus and you're in Hyperfocus where everything 2.8 feet and beyond is in focus. So most of the time I leave Macro off. However, sometimes you need it.

Allscan - The LCD does not show the entire picture (way to go Sony!) so to make sure no light stands are in the frame you need this.

Steadyshot - I like the most aggressive Steadyshot setting. However, when on tripod it can screw up your shots

Color Bars - I might modify this one. Color Bars on a Digital Format are a little bit silly, but it can be good as a divider.