View Full Version : Bogus HV50 (was: Interesting!)
Lee Wilson February 15th, 2007, 05:16 AM I saw this over at digitalcamcordernews (are we allowed to advertise other sites!) - looks like a 3 chip version of the HV20 - everything else looks pretty much the same, except for the colour/design ?
Note from Admin: This is a hoax, of course -- confirmed for us by Canon USA at 5:31pm CST 15 Feb 2007 and again at 11:04am CST 16 Feb 2007. See
C.S. Michael February 15th, 2007, 06:53 AM Fascinating! Note that it's labelled an HV50. Also it offers 18x zoom (as opposed to the HV20's 10x zoom). This is the first I've heard of such a camera.
Matthias Helbig February 15th, 2007, 07:26 AM Hi,
looks good, but where is the internal mic? Can't see it on the photo.
Chris Hurd February 15th, 2007, 07:30 AM Moved from Canon HDV to Area 51. Note that 1080p is *not* part of the HDV specification.
Those would be some tiny little chips to get 18x zoom from a 43mm front... I smell a hoax...
Mike Teutsch February 15th, 2007, 07:45 AM I think you may be right Chris. Note it says 720p also and Canon has never offered 720p have they? Then Again, if you have 1080p why would you need 720p?
Geoff Murrin February 15th, 2007, 07:45 AM It may not be a hoax. I do not know enough about lens sizees and chips, but the html text and art around the camera says 1080p, but no where on the camera does it say 1080p. But if it's a hoax, nice photshop job.
Lou Bruno February 15th, 2007, 10:04 AM There will be a release of a new camera late August to September 2007 for the consumer. My bets are on this one. I have this from a very reliable source.
Mike Teutsch February 15th, 2007, 10:16 AM Just means that I only buy one HV20 for now! :)
Tim Le February 15th, 2007, 10:18 AM Hey Lou, you said that two HDV cameras would be released after April 1st in this thread ( The HV20 is obviously one of them. Any word on the other one?
Btw, this August marks Canon Inc.'s 70th anniversary.
Kurth Bousman February 15th, 2007, 10:31 AM Looks real ( the photo ) but the surrounding info has to be incorrect. Looks like canon will take over the video market like it has dominated the still market. It would be sooo cool if the 720p was right , coupled with 24/30p . That's what holds me down for the hv20 - no 30p . Don't understand it if the chip is progressive - why canon ? Of course if they give us everything on a consumer camera , who would want an H1 .
Lee Wilson February 15th, 2007, 10:57 AM From the same site:
Same picture bit a little clearer.
It is essentially the same as the HV20 but the microphone is missing (???) and the still camera is 5 mega pixels + 3 chip + bigger zoom and a 'cinescan-P' lock switch (??????) - also a bigger eye cup on the view finder.
Look like a real photo to me not a 3D mock up, but who knows maybe it is a hoax ? I think we said the very same thing about the HV20 in the first week or two of the initial rumours ???
Questions, Questions !
Lee Wilson February 15th, 2007, 11:03 AM Note that 1080p is *not* part of the HDV specification.
But the HV20 does 1080p and that is a HDV camera ?
Tim Le February 15th, 2007, 11:11 AM From the same site:
Same picture bit a little clearer.
OK, we know it's a fake now. The focal length is still 6.1-61mm, which isn't 18X. Besides, I doubt you could fit 3-CMOS with a prism and an 18X lens in a body like that. They did do a good photoshop job with the eyecup, Cinescan lock switch and the slide lever switch above the flash unit. Or maybe that's all real and they PS'ed some of the markings.
Chris Hurd February 15th, 2007, 11:34 AM But the HV20 does 1080p and that is a HDV camera ?The HV20 does *not* record 1080p. It records 1080i. You could say that the 24fps mode on the HV20 is 1080p24 at the chip, but you've got to realize that it has pulldown and goes to tape as 1080i60. It has to, otherwise it wouldn't be HDV.
Chris Hurd February 15th, 2007, 11:39 AM The focal length is still 6.1-61mm, which isn't 18X. Whether this is a photochop or an actual mockup, you'd think that whoever worked it up would have been more careful about that.
John Jay February 15th, 2007, 12:57 PM The man from Baker St. tells me it is a workover from this$f/HV20_FSL.JPG
that cinescan is a curious thing though...
Pieter Jongerius February 15th, 2007, 03:36 PM Also note how its photographed at the exact same angle and perspective as this shot:$f/HV20_FSL.JPG
Even the chrome reflections are identical, hm... plus, Canon would never put a button on a machine with no text next to it (the light/print button behind the disp. one).
...or they are both rendered by the marketing-depts eyecandy guy, and that artist made the mistake of forgetting to update some stuff in this rendering. I doubt it, though.
Edit: Ah sorry John, you got that URL already.
Lee Wilson February 15th, 2007, 04:47 PM Also note how its photographed at the exact same angle and perspective as this shot:$f/HV20_FSL.JPG
Here you go I scaled the two to the same size, it looks like the new image is a little fatter, a little more squat, or maybe just the picture was taken from a slightly different angle ?
plus, Canon would never put a button on a machine with no text next to it (the light/print button behind the disp. one).
Yep! that is a strange one ? Maybe the legend/text is behind the LCD door and only becomes applicable when the door is open ??
..also I noticed that the panel on the top that covers where the accessories mount has a different shaped door that goes all the way the sides, maybe the text for that 'blank' button is under there ?
Mike Teutsch February 15th, 2007, 05:04 PM I'm no longer worried about a new model. You can tell from the many different highlights that it is the same picture, but has been modified. Nice job, but for what purpose? Maybe to get people to wait and not get the new HV20! Sorry, won't work for me, I'm in as soon as it is available.
Chris Hurd February 15th, 2007, 09:34 PM Earlier today I forwarded this pic to my friends at Canon USA... after they picked themselves up off the floor from laughing so hard, here's what they had to say:
Of course it's an obvious fake, but for future reference, here are some easy ways of checking:
- zoom ratio mistake (6.1mm to 61mm equals 10x, not 18x)
- some buttons have no labels
- the addition of "S" in the "Instant AF" and "Focus" labels
- strange positioning of "3x" to describe "3 CMOS"
- strange positioning and style of RGB color logo
- big EVF at the back doesn't fit properly (one edge is sticking out oddly)
- Japanese writing is not correct - weird non-native grammar
But its a pretty good job of retouching!
Now of course since this is Area 51, there's going to be a group of Conspiracy Theorists who want to believe that this is for real. They'll say: "Don't buy the HV20! Wait for the HV50." I have some advice for these people -- don't buy the HV50. Wait for the HV80! It's gonna knock yer socks off!
Mathieu Kassovitz February 15th, 2007, 09:46 PM The HV20 does *not* record 1080p. It records 1080i. You could say that the 24fps mode on the HV20 is 1080p24 at the chip, but you've got to realize that it has pulldown and goes to tape as 1080i60. It has to, otherwise it wouldn't be HDV.
The same to the 25p? Or since there isn't pulldown, can we call it true 1080p?
Jack Zhang February 15th, 2007, 11:40 PM Now that is a good photoshop...
George Chapanian February 16th, 2007, 12:36 AM look at the pic lee wilson posted
the hv20 has a strap and has a reflection on the camera if you look carefully,the hv50 doesnt have a strap and still has that reflection.but i like the black better then the grey.
Yi Fong Yu February 16th, 2007, 07:22 AM lol
this type of stuff has been going on for ages eh? if HV50 was real it'd cannabalize sales of both HV10&20. unpossible!
Bill Busby February 16th, 2007, 07:27 AM ...They'll say: "Don't buy the HV20! Wait for the HV50."
This thread cracks me up! Who would have the time, or the interest for that matter, to spend on this?
Wes Vasher February 16th, 2007, 07:42 AM The black helicopters are circling this forum.
Chris Hurd February 16th, 2007, 08:59 AM This forum has been a black helicopter homing beacon for a very long time.
Paulo Teixeira February 16th, 2007, 01:44 PM It’s made some headlines all right.
This rumor is worse than the ones I made a long time ago saying that Sony and Panasonic was going to release Z1u and DVX100 type camcorders with Blu-Ray drives by the end of 2006.
Anybody wants to make a Photoshop of my rumors? To add some confusion, it would be funny if the camcorder has the words Sony and HD-DVD on it. Now something like this would really make headlines.
Chris Hurd February 16th, 2007, 02:51 PM Rec'd via email today from Mitchell Glick, Assistant Manager Product Marketing, Video Division, Canon USA:
"There is absolutely no truth to the rumors circulating on a possible Canon HV50 model. The specifications and features on this model are completely unfounded and have not been provided by Canon USA."
Case closed,