View Full Version : Oscar travesties

Mark Howells
February 15th, 2007, 03:38 AM
As it's around Oscar season I thought I would start a thread on oscar travesties. I had a heated disagreement with a friend recently on whether Ghandi was a better film than ET. In my opinion ET should have won best film rather than Ghandi. But others immediately spring to mind. Dances with Wolves versus Goodfellas. Crash versus Brokeback Mountain. Any thoughts on Oscar travesties film or otherwise ?

Alex Sprinkle
February 15th, 2007, 02:36 PM
The Shawshank Redemption. Incredible, but it was fighting Forrest Gump and lost.

Patrick Benda
February 15th, 2007, 02:48 PM
It was the last time I ever watched
Shakespeare in love beats Bennini Life is beautiful
I am still shaking my head in disbelief on this one.

Richard Alvarez
February 15th, 2007, 03:01 PM
Awarding "Best Picture" is a tough call. Much easier to compare and award specific achievement in definitive areas. Although the academy's decision to drop the phrase, "And the winner is..." and replace it with "And the Oscar goes to..." is a nod in the direction of the sentiment that one cannot, or 'should not' "WIN" an artistic competition. Taste is such a subjective thing.

It's easier to judge apples and oranges together, when you are judging how well they were 'cut up' - How well they were photographed, how well they were 'dressed on the plate.' So looking at films for 'editing' or 'art direction' or 'sound'... is easier if they are of different genres. Chossing "Best Screenplay" is also tough. Comparing a great drama to a great comedy.

But to decide that this apple is 'better' than this 'orange'... tough call. Often the case when you have films of different genre's competing for 'best'. It's the reason why it's the PRODUCER who accepts the Award, not the director. (Unless, of course, they are one in the same.)

I usually shrug off the 'Best Picture' award, and generally try to agree with the whole group that have been nominated.

Mark Howells
February 16th, 2007, 03:13 AM
Shakespeare in Love also beat out Saving Private Ryan if i remember correctly. Look how ground breaking Saving Private Ryan was in terms of look and action. It has influenced many a film since. Go figure.

Tony Tremble
February 18th, 2007, 03:41 AM
It would be a travesty if Scorsese gets an oscar for The Departed.

It would be a travesty if Paul Greengrass misses out on best director.

It would be a travesty if Pan's Labyrinth didn't clean up every category it is nominated for.

It would be a travesty if Forest Whitaker doesn't win the oscar for the Last King of Scotland.

Can't think think of any more of the top of my head.


Mark Howells
February 19th, 2007, 05:51 AM
absolutely agree on Paul Greengrass

Mark Howells
February 27th, 2007, 06:27 AM
Am I the only one to be amazed that "The Departed" won best picture? I'm a huge fan of Martin Scorsese and he has long been overlooked by the academy, but honestly I found the film average at best. It seems a shame that he should win for such a mediocre effort. I couldn't believe that it was even nominated let alone win.

It's telling that none of the 3 principal leads were nominated for best actor in the best film of the year? This is surely indicative of the quality of the film. In fact Jack Nicholson's performance was really hammy and unbalanced the film. At no point did I believe him to be a mob boss worthy of such attention.

At the screening I attended people were laughing at the ludicrous multiple killings at the end.

Kin Kwan
February 27th, 2007, 09:23 AM
Am I the only one to be amazed that "The Departed" won best picture?

Nope, I was pretty shocked, too, but in a way I kind of expected it. I was rooting for Babel though.

It seems a shame that he should win for such a mediocre effort.

It's also a shame that he won from a story he got from someone else.

Tony Tremble
February 28th, 2007, 09:30 AM
It's also a shame that he won from a story he got from someone else.

It's a shame a lot of people don't know The Departed is a remake.

I would urge people to go out and rent the superior original, Infernal Affairs.

By Scorsese getting an Oscar for the Departed it just devalues the Oscar. A director who is clearly past his sell by date.

I look forward to the British BAFTAS more than the Oscars as they tend to reflect actual merit.


Steven White
February 28th, 2007, 11:57 AM
The biggest travesty I noted was that The Departed won for editing. There were so many continuity errors in the cutting of this film I was utterly shocked that it was even nominated.

I'm surprised Children of Men didn't win for cinematography, and that it wasn't even nominated for direction.

I thought all the best picture candidates that I'd seen were weak this year.


Mark Howells
March 1st, 2007, 03:12 AM
I was disappointed that the best film of the year wasn't even nominated in that category, probably because of the sensitive subject matter. United 93.

Mark Kenfield
May 20th, 2007, 06:46 PM
Hmm... personally I thought The Departed was great, having seen Infernal Affairs a few years ago I was really quite suspect about the whole idea, but I loved it.

Children of Men was my No. 1 pick for last year however.