James Huenergardt
February 12th, 2007, 07:21 PM
I'm looking to upgrade my Dual Opteron 246 CPU's for a set of Opteron 275 Dual Core CPU's.
I'm currently running Windows XP Pro and was wondering if I will have to reinstall Windows XP Pro because I will now have 4 processors?
Tim Painter
February 14th, 2007, 11:26 AM
About a year ago, I upgraded to a dual core. My bios didn't yet recognize the 2 processors and my XP thought I only had one. When I upgraded the bios to recognize it, XP complained on bootup and I had to re-register my copy of XP. (I had to call to get a new registration #).
I'd try to upgrade without reinstalling first, and see what happens.
Hope this helps!
Tim P.
Hernan Vilchez
February 15th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Hi! I have a Dual Opteron 280, planning to add another 280. Im checking the issues of XP and Adobe Production Suite recognizing the 4 cores, and the question of RAM.
I have a Tyan Thunder K8WE S2895 with 2 GB, I will add 2 more when i make the core step (the userguide of the Tyan says that the memory must be equal for both cores).
So i would appreciate any news or experience you have with your upgrade.
Thanks and good luck!!
Richard Andrewski
February 15th, 2007, 10:12 PM
Hi! I have a Dual Opteron 280, planning to add another 280. Im checking the issues of XP and Adobe Production Suite recognizing the 4 cores, and the question of RAM.
I have a Tyan Thunder K8WE S2895 with 2 GB, I will add 2 more when i make the core step (the userguide of the Tyan says that the memory must be equal for both cores).
So i would appreciate any news or experience you have with your upgrade.
Thanks and good luck!!
This (S2895) is what I have too. I've found it to be one of the most stable systems ever.
Personally I believe in backing up, wiping everything out and starting over when upgrading. Its the only way to be truly sure. Yes, you may have to go through some difficulties in getting the drivers right. Just make sure you have another working system to access the internet and download drivers as needed.
Hernan Vilchez
February 16th, 2007, 05:16 AM
Of course Richard, i will back up all (as i always do, i learnt to be paranoid with computers), and rely on my laptop to download drivers (read faqs and get support!).
Anyway it would be very useful to all of us to learn of someone´s upgrade experience of this setup (Dual Opteron + Tyan S2895) to Quad Opteron + RAM with XP, NLE, compositing, transcoding and authoring software.
So i hope that the first of us that take this step, will post a thread describing his experience and results.
Greetz, have a nice day